Old forests are powerhouses for absorbing and sequestering carbon dioxide, a key driver of the climate crisis. These stunning photographs of the Pacific Northwest old-growth forests showcase their beauty and vital role in the ecosystem.
Electron Dam has been harming Chinook salmon, steelhead, and trout for nearly 100 years. With part of the dam gone, the river will flow naturally for the first time in almost a century.
Residents are concerned Grays Harbor plant could cause environmental and human health harm before state hearings board rules on legality of its air permit
Five Northwest and national environmental groups ask the Washington Pollution Control Hearings Board to stay an air permit for an industrial-scale wood pellet plant in Hoquiam, Washington, suspending construction and operation of the facility until the legal challenge is resolved.
All customers of Oregon’s largest natural gas utility – and low-income customers in particular – will experience lower increases on future utility bills thanks to a victorious partial settlement in a contested rate case between NW Natural and climate and community-based environmental justice organizations.
A coalition of climate, health, and renewable energy groups that successfully defended Washington State’s new building codes are intervening to once more beat back another desperate attempt by industry to thwart Washington State’s progress toward climate goals.