The U.S. Energy Information Administration raises concerns about energy-intensive cryptocurrency mining operations, will seek comments on reporting requirements.
Lisa Evans, Senior Counsel, Clean Energy Program: “We see this as the first shot across the bow informing the utilities and states and stakeholders that EPA indeed does find significant noncompliance with the coal ash rule.”
Tailpipe emissions pollute the air causing public health harms and exacerbate the climate crisis; Clean Deliveries Act will drive legislative and zero-emission solutions
Reports from Earthjustice/Sierra Club, Scientific Reports, and the University of Cambridge break down the environmental costs of the growing, energy-guzzling cryptocurrency mining industry
With Congestion Pricing indefinitely stalled by Governor Hochul in New York City, the need for traffic reduction and pollution abatement statewide has never been greater
Eve Gartner, Managing Attorney, Toxic Exposure & Health Program, Earthjustice: “It is not easy to keep selling your chemicals when people know they likely cause cancer or other serious disease.”