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Press Release: Victory July 8, 2024

Hawaiʻi County Agrees to Take Responsibility for its Wastewater Discharges into Honokōhau Harbor

County will apply for Clean Water Act Permit to manage discharges from Kealakehe Wastewater Treatment Plant

From Mission Hill Overlook, overlooking Bay Mills Indian Community with Spectacle Lake and Lake Superior in the background. (Whitney Gravelle)
Press Release June 28, 2024

Tribes Move to Defend EPA’s Tribal Water Rights Rule

Seven Tribal nations seek to fend off attack by 12 states

Morning fog lingering on a Puget Sound beach. (Ingrid Taylar / CC BY-NC 2.0)
Press Release May 28, 2024

Washington’s Largest Wastewater Treatment Plant Avoids Limits on its Discharge of Nutrient Pollution into Already-degraded Puget Sound

Puget Soundkeeper appeals West Point Wastewater Treatment Plant’s discharge permit because the permit fails to comply with state and federal law

In the News: Law360 May 21, 2024

D.C. Circ. Won’t Let Fla. Halt Wetlands Permits Decision

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “If Florida wants the program back, it has to comply with federal law. In the meantime, the Corps is more than capable of handling Florida’s 404 permits, as it has for more than 40 years.”

In the News: Politico May 20, 2024

Appeals court denies Florida request for wetlands permitting stay

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “If [Florida officials] want the program back, they need to fix their mistakes, not dig into them.”

document May 17, 2024

Joint Motion to Intervene to Defend Bristol Bay Against the Pebble Mine

A coalition of 15 conservation groups, represented by Earthjustice, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and Trustees for Alaska filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit to defend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s decision that protects Bristol Bay from harmful mines, like the proposed Pebble Mine, under Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act.

The Bristol Bay area of Alaska, where the proposed Pebble Mine threatens both one of the largest salmon spawning grounds in the world and the way of life for an entire area. (Pat Clayton / Fish Eye Guy Photography)
Press Release May 17, 2024

Conservation Groups Defend the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Decision on the Proposed Pebble Mine

Earthjustice and NRDC join with Trustees for Alaska on behalf of 15 groups to defend Bristol Bay from the proposed Pebble Mine

Wetlands and streams most in danger after the U.S. Supreme Court’s "Sackett v. EPA" ruling.
feature May 14, 2024

Wetlands and Streams Most in Danger After the U.S. Supreme Court’s Sackett v. EPA Ruling

The United States has at least 290 million acres of wetlands, and at least 200 million miles of life-giving streams.

In the News: Tampa Bay Times May 10, 2024

Epidemic of dying sea life shows Florida’s lax water quality regulation is fouling our public waters

An opinion piece by Alisa Coe, Deputy Managing Attorney, Florida Office, Earthjustice

In the News: Politico April 26, 2024

DEP asks federal appeals court to allow it to issue wetlands permits

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “The bottom line is that the [Army Corps of Engineers] is open for business and the only thing standing in the way of 404 permitting now is Florida’s refusal to transfer applications.”

Brayton Point Power Station in Somerset, Mass., in 2012. (Denis Tangney Jr. / Getty Images)
From the Experts: Victory April 25, 2024

EPA Finalized New Wastewater Treatment Standards for Coal-fired Power Plants

A 15-year legal fight to curb toxic wastewater to protect drinking water.

In the News: Law360 April 16, 2024

Florida Lost Its CWA Permitting Power. Now What?

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “The decision is incredibly important because it goes back to the fundamentals, which is that the Endangered Species Act means what it says. The judge was on really solid ground in his ruling. He’s relying on decades of Endangered Species Act case law.”

The Suncor refinery in North Denver. (Martin do Nascimento / Earthjustice)
Press Release April 8, 2024

Conservation and Environmental Justice Groups File Administrative Appeal of Suncor Water Permit

Groups seek lower PFAS limits and shorter compliance schedules to help protect communities

document April 5, 2024

Suncor Water Permit Appeal

Conservation and environmental justice groups filed an administrative appeal challenging aspects of the Suncor refinery’s Clean Water Act discharge permit.

Cape Fear Riverkeeper Kemp Burdette collects water samples in the Cape Fear River near the Smithfield slaughter house in Tar Heel, N.C. (Justin Cook for Earthjustice)
Press Release March 26, 2024

Community, Environmental, and Animal Welfare Organizations Press EPA to Strengthen Water Pollution Control Standards for Slaughterhouses and Animal Rendering Facilities

Stronger standards would prevent hundreds of millions of pounds of pollution from reaching rivers and streams, helping to protect more than 22 million people

(Matt Tilghman / Shutterstock)
Press Release March 21, 2024

Earthjustice Opposes Congressional Efforts to Weaken the Clean Water Act, Allow Increased Water Pollution

The Creating Confidence in Clean Water Permitting Act would allow polluters to recklessly pollute our streams, wetlands, and waterways while shielding them from accountability

In the News: Fort Myers News-Press March 8, 2024

Wetlands permitting battle continues, state expected to appeal federal ruling

Bonnie Malloy, Attorney, Florida Office: “The trigger for (the state) to file an appeal hasn’t happened yet because the court hasn’t rendered a final judgment yet. This is something developers sought because they could get permits quicker than when they go through the (U.S. Army) Corps process, but there were several illegal shortcuts they took…

In the News: Politico February 23, 2024

Permitting ‘Chaos’: Florida DEP to seek stay of judge’s wetlands ruling

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “The judge got it right. There’s a lot of reasons this program is illegal.”