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Red knots, ruddy turnstones, dunlin and semipalmated sandpipers coming through the Delaware Bay near Fortescue, New Jersey, on May 23, 2022.
(Aristide Economopoulos for Earthjustice)
Article October 20, 2023

What a Shorebird Can Teach Us About the Biodiversity Crisis

Throughout the animal kingdom, increasing pressures from industry are putting endangered or threatened species like the red knot at risk.

document February 13, 2023

FOIA Appeal Docket No. GFO-2023-00170-F

Earthjustice respectfully appeals the decision of the Department of Energy / Golden Field Office (GFO) to withhold records in response to Earthjustice’s Freedom of Information Act request number GFO-2023-00170-F. Earthjustice’s FOIA request seeks “all submitted concept papers, related documents, written communications, and other information received in response to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Additional Clean Hydrogen Programs (Section 40314): Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs Funding Opportunity Announcement, #DE-FOA-0002779, issued by the Department of Energy’s Hydrogen Program on September 22, 2022, with concept papers due on November 7, 2022.”

Press Release July 29, 2022

Conservation groups demand transparency on horseshoe crab proposal ahead of commission vote

Model upon which horseshoe crab proposal is based remains unavailable to the public

document October 19, 2021

Homestead detention center FOIA lawsuit

Earthjustice, on behalf of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), sued in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia to compel several federal agencies to respond to unanswered Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests regarding the Florida Homestead migrant detention center for unaccompanied children.

Press Release October 19, 2021

Groups Probe Government Over Migrant Children’s Possible Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

Advocates sue federal agencies to learn more about Florida site with known contaminants, including arsenic, lead, and mercury

Press Release October 19, 2021

Grupos Ambientales y de Justicia Investigan A Gobierno Estadounidense Por Posible Exposición De Menores Migrantes A Sustancias Químicas Tóxicas

Defensores demandan a agencias federales para obtener más información sobre centro de detención con contaminantes como arsénico, plomo y mercurio.

document September 16, 2020

Tornillo FOIA Complaint

Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, Hispanic Federation, GreenLatinos, and Labor Council for Latin American Advancement

Manifestantes se pronuncian en contra de detenciones familiares en Tornillo, Texas.
(Joe Raedle / Getty Images)
Press Release September 16, 2020

Departamento de Salud Retiene Datos de Seguridad y Salud En Centro de Detención Para Migrantes

Grupos de salud, inmigración y trabajo demandan a agencias por no responder a las solicitudes de la FOIA

Activists protest family detentions outside of the Tornillo Port of Entry in Tornillo, TX.
(Joe Raedle / Getty Images)
Press Release September 16, 2020

HHS is Withholding Health and Safety Data on Active Migrant Detention Center

Health, immigration, & labor groups sue agency for failing to respond to FOIA requests

document June 12, 2020

OVEC v. DOE PTTG: FOIA Complaint

Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition's FOIA complaint regarding the Department of Energy's financial support of the proposed PTTG petrochemical complex.

Bernhardt was a top lobbyist for the oil and gas industry before serving as Interior Secretary.
Press Release February 12, 2020

Earthjustice Praises House Committee for Granting New Investigative Powers to Chairman

Move will enhance scrutiny of Department of Interior officials with extensive ties to coal and oil industry

Bernhardt was a top lobbyist for the oil and gas industry before serving as Interior Secretary.
Press Release February 12, 2020

Earthjustice Elogia A Comité de Recursos Naturales Por Otorgar Nuevos Poderes a Su Presidente

Esta acción mejorará el escrutinio sobre funcionarios del Departamento del Interior y sus estrechos lazos con la industria petrolífera y gasífera

Una mujer que se identifica como Jennifer está con su hijo Jaydan en el Catholic Charities Humanitarian Respite Center luego de cruzar la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos en McAllen,Texas.
Press Release November 21, 2019

Cientos de Documentos Revelan Planes Para Construir Instalaciones de Detención de Migrantes en Sitio Contaminado de Texas

Hasta 7.500 menores no acompañados hubiesen sido retenidos en Fort Bliss, de acuerdo con los planes descubiertos por defensores ambientales y comunitarios

A woman who identified herself as Jennifer sits with her son Jaydan at the Catholic Charities Humanitarian Respite Center after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border in McAllen, Tex., in 2018. (Spencer Platt / Getty Images)
Press Release November 21, 2019

Hundreds of Documents Released Detailing Plans to Build Migrant Detention Facilities at Contaminated Fort Bliss Site

Up to 7,500 unaccompanied minors would have been held at toxic site according to plans unearthed by environmental and community advocates

document November 18, 2019

Expert Report: Fort Bliss Waste Sites and Potential Human Health Impacts at Proposed Migrant Detention Center

An expert report reviewing documents obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests to the U.S. Army, including emails from the U.S. Army and Department of Homeland Security. The report notes notes that there were several problems with the project at Fort Bliss, including that the Army did not adequately investigate to determine what types of waste had been disposed of at the site, and more.

document September 17, 2019

Legal Document: Friends of the Earth and Earthjustice head to court over NOAA’s lack of FOIA transparency

Friends of the Earth, represented by Earthjustice, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Maryland against the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for violations of the agency’s obligations under the Freedom of Information Act.

Ominous wall cloud portending possible violent weather.
(Jerry Penry / NOAA / NWS)
Press Release September 17, 2019

Friends of the Earth and Earthjustice head to court over NOAA’s lack of FOIA transparency

Lawsuit challenges the agency’s unlawful year-long failure to respond requests

Daniel Jorjani, the nominee to serve as the Interior Department’s top lawyer, in a confirmation hearing before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee on May 2, 2019. He misled members of Congress about his role in political screenings of the Interior Department's information releases in this hearing.
(YouTube / Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee)
Press Release July 1, 2019

Environmental Groups Release Thousands of Interior Department Emails Documenting Unlawful Changes to Basic Transparency Measures

Internal emails reveal efforts, led by Interior’s top lawyer Daniel Jorjani, stifling the flow of information to the public under the Freedom of Information Act