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Press Release July 22, 2024

Declaración de Earthjustice Sobre La Salida del Presidente Biden de la Carrera Presidencial

“Agradecemos la respuesta del presidente Biden al llamado de servir a su país cuando más lo necesitaba, y que sin temor alguno haya tomado medidas contundentes para proteger a las personas y comunidades de la amenaza del cambio climático y la contaminación mortal”.

U.S. President Joe Biden, center, signs the Inflation Reduction Act with Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) (L) and House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) in the State Dining Room of the White House August 16, 2022 in Washington, D.C.  (Drew Angerer / Getty Images)
Press Release July 21, 2024

Earthjustice Statement on President Biden Withdrawing from the U.S. Presidential Race

“We are grateful that President Biden answered this call to serve when his country needed him the most, and that he has been unafraid to take bold action on protecting people and communities from the threat of climate change and deadly pollution.”

Press Release: Victory July 17, 2024

Corte Federal Revoca Oferta de Arrendamiento de Petróleo en Altamar que Amenazaba a las Belugas Frente a la Costa de Alaska

El fallo a favor de grupos ambientalistas resalta las preocupaciones sobre la supervivencia de las ballenas beluga

A Cook Inlet beluga calf swims with three larger beluga whales. (Paul Wade / NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center)
Press Release: Victory July 17, 2024

Federal Court Reverses Offshore Oil Lease Sale That Threatened Belugas off Alaska’s Coast

Ruling in favor of environmental groups highlights concerns about endangered whales

A farmworker harvests strawberries in Salinas, California. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
Press Release June 11, 2024

Earthjustice Blasts Senate Republican’s Partisan Farm Bill Proposal, Urges Cooperation with Senator Stabenow

Senator Boozman’s proposal fails to address the realities farmers across the country face amid a changing climate

In the News: Grist June 7, 2024

Illinois Legislature puts the brakes on a carbon capture boom

Jenny Cassel, Attorney, Clean Energy Program: “We should not be creating more of a problem than we’re addressing with this. And that’s what this mandate will require.”

The U.S. Capitol building. (Architect of the Capitol)
Press Release May 20, 2024

Earthjustice Opposes Proposed Farm Bill Climate and Nutrition Funding Cuts and Inserts of Pro-logging Provisions

Opposition grows as poison pills appear in previews of the Farm Bill text by Republican House Ag Committee Chair Glenn Thompson which include reductions in key climate and nutrition programs and undercuts to bedrock environmental law and Endangered Species Act

document May 17, 2024

Farm Bill Opposition Letter

Earthjustice writes in strong opposition to the proposed Farm Bill. This partisan bill undermines the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) essential investments in climate-smart agriculture programs, removing a critical tool for farmers to address climate change, improve profitability, and advance their resilience in the face of increasingly frequent extreme weather events.

Storm clouds pass over the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. (Architect of the Capitol)
From the Experts April 30, 2024

Congress’ ‘Energy Week 2.0’ is the Anti-Earth Week Nobody Asked For

We don’t have time for reckless bills that continue to give handouts to polluting industries at the expense of people, our environment, and our planet.

Volunteers with the group Comunidad Guayamesa Unidos por tu Salud install a solar power system in the home of community member in the Puente de Jobos neighborhood of Guayama, P.R., on Mar. 20, 2021. (Erika P. Rodríguez for Earthjustice)
Press Release April 22, 2024

Earthjustice Applauds EPA’s Solar for All Investments

Solar for All grants will unlock access to rooftop and community solar for low-income families

Vast acreages of public lands used for drilling in Vernal, Utah. (WildEarth Guardians / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Press Release April 12, 2024

Earthjustice Applauds Overdue Reforms to Federal Oil and Gas Leasing Program

Biden administration announces long awaited reforms that will hold oil industry accountable

Solar panels at the Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, Nevada. (Black Rock Solar / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release April 4, 2024

Earthjustice Praises Announcement of New Climate Funds Awardees to Turbocharge Climate and Environmental Justice Investments in Disadvantaged Communities

$20 billion from the Inflation Reduction Act marks an unprecedented investment in local projects that reduce emissions, advance environmental justice, and lower energy costs

A group of children board a school bus. (SDI Productions / Getty Images)
From the Experts March 29, 2024

More Washington Students Will Soon Get Clean Rides to School

A new policy combined with state funding will speed up Washington’s transition to all-electric, zero-emission school buses.

Trucks line up outside the Amazon ONT 2 and 5 facilities in San Bernardino.
(Image Courtesy of Anthony Victoria-Midence / CCAEJ)
Press Release March 29, 2024

EPA’s New Truck Standards Fail to Meet the Moment

To meet health and climate imperatives, we need to drive our freight system more aggressively toward zero emissions

From the Experts March 20, 2024

House Republicans’ ‘Polluter Profits’ Week Continues Putting Corporate Profits Over People

We can’t afford to waste time doubling down on a failed status quo.

The Biden administration has taken historic steps to address climate change and environmental injustice. (Adam Schultz / White House)
Press Release March 7, 2024

Earthjustice Statement on State of the Union

“This administration’s policies are already transforming communities across the country and helping us meet our climate goals while advancing environmental justice.”

The Biden administration has taken historic steps to address climate change and environmental injustice. (Adam Schultz / White House)
From the Experts March 7, 2024

Celebrating Climate Action and Environmental Justice at the State of the Union while Charting a Better Pathway Forward

While the Biden administration has made incredible progress on addressing both climate change and environmental justices, these crises require us to do more to live up to our obligations.

Pelicans flying home to roost over salt marsh at Hunting Island State Park in South Carolina near Beaufort. (Teresa Kopec / Getty Images)
Press Release March 6, 2024

Earthjustice Blasts Attacks on Endangered Species Act in ‘America’s Wildlife Habitat Conservation Act’

New legislation would weaken the ESA while gutting species conservation programs