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document December 15, 2021

Army Corps Notice of Action Withdrawing Record of Decision on Yazoo Backwater Pumps

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers signed the attached Memorandum for Record withdrawing the Record of Decision for the Final Supplement No. 2 to the 1982 Yazoo Area Pump Project Final Environmental Impact Statement.

document December 13, 2021

Motion to Intervene in Oʻahu Red Hill Water Contamination Proceeding

Represented by Earthjustice, motion to intervene filed by the Sierra Club to intervene in proceedings related to the State of Hawaiʻi Department of Heath’s December 6, 2021 emergency order requiring the U.S. Navy to remove fuel from its leaking Red Hill fuel tanks, which contaminated the drinking water supply for over 92,000 O‘ahu residents.

document December 10, 2021

Hydrogen Hub Act Nov 12, 2021 Stakeholder Discussion Draft

Comments on NM Gov Grisham’s draft Hydrogen Hub Act

document December 7, 2021

EDF et al v US FDA (Phthalates)

Health advocates represented by Earthjustice sued the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in federal court to compel long overdue action on petitions the advocates filed in 2016 asking FDA to ban phthalates in food packaging and processing materials.

document December 7, 2021

Phthalates Complaint

Health advocates represented by Earthjustice sued the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in federal court to compel long overdue action on petitions the advocates filed in 2016 asking FDA to ban phthalates in food packaging and processing materials.

document December 7, 2021

Phthalates Petition

Health advocates represented by Earthjustice sued the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in federal court to compel long overdue action on petitions the advocates filed in 2016 asking FDA to ban phthalates in food packaging and processing materials.

document December 6, 2021

COMPLAINT: Lawsuit Challenges Idaho Wolf Trapping Laws That Endanger Grizzlies, Lynx

Idaho’s expanded wolf trapping likely to kill 90% of state’s gray wolf population

document December 6, 2021

California Superior Court Rejects Approval of Bee-killing Pesticide Sulfoxaflor

A California Superior Court ruled that the bee-killing pesticide sulfoxaflor can no longer be used in the state because its approval violated state environmental law

document December 3, 2021

Alimentos Envenenados, Cerebros Envenenados

Rastreando pesticidas peligrosos en los alimentos que consumimos

document December 1, 2021

DSM Mining Coalition Letter to Biden Administration

Letter to the Biden administration urging ocean protections from mining interests.

document November 19, 2021

Joint Comments to NY DEC: Opposition to the Draft Title V Air Permit for Greenidge Generating Station

The enclosed comments are neutral as to the cryptocurrency industry and to blockchain technology innovation. The comments are focused solely on the harmful impacts from large, fossil-fueled energy generation systems that mine proof-of-work cryptocurrency 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to the detriment of the local community and the climate. The new, huge amounts of GHG emissions from the proof-of-work mining operations at the Greenidge Facility is a significant threat to the state’s and nation’s transition to clean energy that is urgently needed to prevent the worst impacts of climate change on our communities and local economies.

document November 18, 2021

Organophosphate Petition

Earthjustice filed a petition along with a coalition of 10 health, community, and farmworker groups, filed a petition asking the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban neurotoxic organophosphate pesticides, which are prevalent in our food and water, and endanger farmworkers and their families. The EPA recently banned all food uses of chlorpyrifos, the most well-known organophosphate pesticide, but only one among a dangerous pesticide group. Chlorpyrifos is just one of over a dozen organophosphates the agency reauthorized for use in agricultural fields, even though they are acutely neurotoxic — meaning that people who are exposed at high doses over a brief period can experience severe neurological symptoms — and are linked to neurodevelopmental harm to fetuses and infants.

document November 18, 2021

Poisoned Food, Poisoned Brains

Earthjustice is releasing a comprehensive, first-of-its-kind report and data set collating 17 organophosphate human health risk assessments, as well as agricultural pesticide usage data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS). This report documents the location and amount of organophosphate usage in the United States and the dangerous health effects associated with exposure. This powerful tool also shows what crops are sprayed, the foods that contain elevated levels of pesticide residues, and links to health risks evaluations and brief regulatory history.

document November 18, 2021

Alimentos Envenados, Cerebros Envenenados: Resumen ejecutivo

Rastreando pesticidas peligrosos en los alimentos que consumimos

document November 18, 2021

ACT Comments

Comments in support of NY ACT law

document November 18, 2021

Attachments to ACT Comments

Attachments to NY ACT comments

document November 17, 2021

EPA’s Reconsideration of Nov. 30, 2020 Letter Re: Applicability of 2008 Clean Water Act Section 404(c) Final Determination for Yazoo Pumps Project to 2020 Yazoo Pumps Project

EPA’s Reconsideration of its November 30, 2020 Letter Regarding the Applicability of its 2008 Clean Water Act Section 404(c) Final Determination for the Yazoo Pumps Project to the 2020 Yazoo Pumps Project

document November 17, 2021

Joint Comments to NY DEC: Adopt ACT Rule

Environmental groups, health professionals, labor organizations, transportation and environmental justice advocates urge the NY Department of Environmental Conservation to adopt the Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) Rule. The ACT rule is technically feasible and cost-effective today, and critical for protecting public health, addressing climate change, and developing New York’s clean energy economy. Further, adoption of the ACT rule is a crucial policy to achieve the state’s climate goals, codified in the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (“CLCPA”), and was a recommendation from the Transportation Advisory Panel to the Climate Action Council as a way to reduce emissions from the transportation sector.