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In the News: Los Angeles Times June 7, 2024

Own a pool in Southern California? New air-quality rule requires electric water heaters

Adrian Martinez, Attorney, Right to Zero: “When it comes to our industrial sector, we don’t have to boil the planet to boil water.”

In the News: Los Angeles Times June 5, 2024

‘Who’s going to live here?’ What happens when an e-commerce warehouse takes out your neighborhood

Adrian Martinez, Attorney, Right to Zero: “There are people who don’t want these warehouses in their communities, and they just want to be left with peace.”

In the News: Chicago Tribune May 31, 2024

Advocates meet in Chicago to call for new limits on freight train emissions: ‘Our lives literally depend on reform’

Yasmine Agelidis, Attorney, California Office, Earthjustice: “One thousand people are passing away earlier than they would otherwise, just because of diesel locomotives.”

In the News: The Mercury News May 23, 2024

Opinion: What Newsom should do next to curb Big Oil emissions

An opinion piece from Sasan Saadat (senior policy analyst on Earthjustice’s Right To Zero campaign) and Amelia Keyes (attorney at Communities for a Better Environment).

In the News: KQED March 26, 2024

San Francisco Will Continue Enforcing New-Building Gas Ban Despite Berkeley’s Repeal of Similar Rules

Matt Vespa, Attorney, Clean Energy Program: “Thankfully, since 2019, cities and local air quality agencies have developed a wide variety of policy paths to move forward, from energy codes to air quality protections, to protect their residents and help us all step into a zero-emissions future. The future is clean energy, and nothing can hold…

In the News: Canary Media March 14, 2024

Is CARB staff blocking reform at California’s clean transport program?

Sasan Saadat, Senior Research and Policy Analyst, Clean Energy Program: “It feels like the shots are being called behind the scenes. What we heard from the board was pretty unambiguously, ​‘We’d like to see this tightened up.’”

In the News: The Orange County Register March 13, 2024

After protests, SoCalGas scales back plans to test hydrogen energy at UC Irvine

Sara Gersen, Attorney, Right to Zero: “SoCalGas’ hydrogen project threatens to increase lung-searing pollution in a community already breathing some of the most polluted air in the country.”

In the News: Canary Media March 12, 2024

California’s biofuel bias is hampering its EV future. Can that change?

Adrian Martinez, Attorney, Right to Zero: “We’ve got to eliminate our reliance on combustion. The program as designed will continue to provide lucrative incentives for combustible fuels well into the future. The stakes are very, very high.”

In the News: Inside Climate News December 30, 2023

Is California Overstating the Climate Benefit of Dairy Manure Methane Digesters?

Sasan Saadat, Research & Policy Analyst, Right to Zero: “California loves to brag ‘this program, for every eight dollars we spend on it, gets us this many tons of CO2 reductions.’ What’s missing from that is the fact that these programs are triple counting those reductions.”

In the News: WENY December 7, 2023

A Push for the New York Heat Act

Liz Moran, Policy Advocate, Northeast Office: “NY Heat is a really important policy that will one, help New Yorkers save money on their energy bills, and two, help the state have a plan to stop expanding a very expensive and dangerous gas system.”

In the News: Los Angeles Times December 7, 2023

Boiling Level: Which cities are taking cost as California shifts to electrical buses?

Adrian Martinez, Attorney, Earthjustice: “Sometimes we view these electric transportation issues as partisan, and they’re not. In California, our leading transit agency isn’t a bastion of liberal politics; it’s a relatively conservative community in the high desert. So I think what it shows is electric buses are quiet, they’re clean, they save money. Those are…

In the News: Los Angeles Times December 5, 2023

California wants farms to capture methane from cow manure. Neighbors say it’s killing them

Sara Gersen, Attorney, Right to Zero: “Methane is not some unavoidable waste product that we need to capture and do something with. [California’s approach] creates a perverse incentive for people to not only continue emitting methane, but ramp up how much methane is getting generated at their facility.”

In the News: Canary Media August 8, 2023

New California rule will cut carbon from baking Cheetos, chips and more

Adrian Martinez, Attorney, California Office, Earthjustice: “This is the start of what’s going to be an effort to get the entire food and beverage manufacturing industry to zero emissions.”

In the News: Clean Technica May 18, 2023

Vermont Legislature Pushes For End To Polluting Heating Equipment

Sasan Saadat, Senior Research and Policy Analyst, Clean Energy Program: “What’s missing from that message is an honest assessment of how scant the supply of sustainable RNG is and how risky the potential is that RNG could actually increase climate impacts.”

In the News: San Luis Obispo Tribune March 29, 2023

California garbage trucks may avoid going electric until 2042 under new climate rules

Sasan Saadat, Research & Policy Analyst, Clean Energy Program, Earthjustice: “We’re basically carving out exemptions because of political protest from people who made bad investments. You’ll end up in this absurd situation where vehicles ready to go electric at a fast pace will be put on the slowest timetable in communities most overdue for relief.”

In the News: City & State: New York January 13, 2022

Hydrogen: Climate change friend or foe?

Liz Moran, Policy Advocate, Northeast Office, Earthjustice: “There’s going to be a role for green hydrogen; we’re going to need to look into this. But it needs to be done very carefully.”

In the News: MSN January 9, 2022

Tory donor’s taxpayer-backed scheme to develop hydrogen fuel cell buses branded 'bonkers'

Sasan Saadat, Senior Research & Policy Analyst, Clean Energy Program, Earthjustice: “In the future, green hydrogen may help us carry renewable energy into the toughest corners of the energy system, but it is no substitute for rapidly electrifying the bulk of our economy today.”

In the News: Sunset September 28, 2021

More Homeowners Are Ditching Gas. It’s Time to Flip the Switch to an All-Electric House

Matt Vespa, Attorney, Clean Energy Program: “If we want to decarbonize, we know we need gas out of the home.”