House Bill Permits Destructive Logging Leading to Threats to Drinking Water, Fish and Wildlife Habitat

House approves legislation that promotes unsustainable logging


Raviya Ismail, Earthjustice, (202) 745-5221

Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed the most dangerous national forest legislation seen in a decade. It mandates destructive logging and other industrialized development across vast regions of our public lands, threatening our clean drinking water, recreation, and fish and wildlife habitat.

The bill promotes a flawed and archaic system of linking logging to revenue for state counties, which will decimate our national forests and result in counties receiving far less in annual revenues than they have received in recent years due to another current law that does not require logging.

The following statement is from Rebecca Judd, Legislative Counsel for Earthjustice:

“It’s clear the current House of Representatives will use any means possible to pass legislation that guts our water, wildlife, and public land protections. This bill is a misguided effort to address county funding but instead it promotes the destructive and irreparable harm that widespread logging inflicts on our national forests and neighboring communities.

“This is the worst forest bill we’ve seen in more than a decade and abandons our nation’s commitment to protect our rich natural heritage today and for future generations.”

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