Frozen Treasure Highlights the Beauty of Alaska’s Final Frontier and the Fight to Save It
New Arctic feature shows what’s at risk in America’s Arctic and how drilling has the potential to destroy it
Betsy Lopez-Wagner, Earthjustice, (415) 217-2159
Earthjustice launched a photo essay feature this week about the movement to protect America’s Arctic from exploratory drilling. The essay not only tells but shows why the Arctic is a place for preservation, its animals are vital and how Earthjustice is working to keep Big Oil out of the special place.
Frozen Treasure: Defending the Arctic brings viewers up close and personal with irreplaceable species and a fragile eco-system while making the connection between the Arctic and political actions happening from our nation’s capital to Seattle, Washington and Alaska. Profits are being favored over the health of our world’s climate and the traditions of Arctic people. The feature shows how those actions could affect the Arctic’s Chukchi Sea and beyond.
“As the international scientific community and President Obama recognize, we cannot develop the vast majority of already known oil reserves if we are to avoid the worst climate change consequences, let alone extreme Arctic Ocean oil,” said Earthjustice Staff Attorney Erik Grafe.
The feature showcases photographs from world-renowned photographers paired with compelling storytelling to explain the absurdity of Arctic drilling and how the Interior Department’s approval of drilling in the region can have catastrophic consequences. Included in the feature is Earl Kingik, a native liaison for Alaska Wilderness League. Kingik, a Point Hope resident, shares his community and culture via two life photographs. Kingik calls the Arctic Ocean his garden and expands on why America’s Arctic should be preserved.
“I love my garden,” said Earl Kingik, a native liaison for Alaska Wilderness League. “The garden provides food to my people and all the species. We are part of the ecosystem, without them we will not survive.”
The feature includes links to Arctic case work, stories about clients defending the U.S. Arctic in Seattle and Alaska, quizzes on wildlife from the region, stunning mammals at play and the beauty Earthjustice is working to protect.
Explore the Arctic, here:

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Earthjustice is the premier nonprofit environmental law organization. We wield the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people's health, to preserve magnificent places and wildlife, to advance clean energy, and to combat climate change. We are here because the earth needs a good lawyer.