130 Agriculture Researchers and Academics Urge Congressional Leadership to Support Robust Climate Research Funding in the 2024 Farm Bill
The joint letter calls for secured support of the vital USDA Climate Hubs
Nydia Gutiérrez, ngutierrez@earthjustice.org
Today, 130 researchers, scientists and academics signed on to a letter urging Chairwoman Stabenow, Chairman Thompson, Ranking Member Boozman, and Ranking Member Scott to secure funding support for the USDA Climate Hubs by codifying the program into the 2024 Farm Bill.
Ranjani Prabhakar, Legislative Director of Healthy Communities at Earthjustice, released the following statement in support of the letter:
“The USDA Climate Hubs are an indispensable source of knowledge and expertise, facilitating collaboration among scientists, producers, and industry stakeholders across the country. The Hubs empower farmers to make informed decisions daily, safeguard their livelihoods, and enhance our nation’s food security. The program is fundamental to bridging the gap between scientific discovery, on-the-ground expertise, and practical application; codifying the program through the Farm Bill will secure the Hubs’ benefits and encourage longitudinal research.”
Learn more about the Farm Bill: Agriculture, Climate, and 2023 Farm Bill (A 3-Part Blog Series)

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