Yasmine Agelidis, Attorney, Right to Zero, Earthjustice: “The wheels are turning. And to take away funding now is to really put a wrench in a lot of that work.”
People’s Collective for Environmental Justice, Sierra Club, and Industrious Labs move to intervene as defendants in Rinnai America Corp., et al., v. South Coast Air Quality Management District
Gas industry lawsuit seeks to intimidate Southern California’s air regulator from pursuing vital rules to replace gas-powered equipment with zero-emissions technology
Sin importar lo que nos depare, no dejaremos de luchar para eliminar gradualmente las emisiones que calientan el planeta, catalizar una transición energética limpia justa y equitativa, y proteger a las comunidades del desastre climático.
Paul Cort, Director of Right to Zero, Earthjustice: “California’s regulations are not just about addressing climate change. These rules were created so that California, which struggles with pollution issues, could meet its air quality and smog standards. What’s their legal standing for saying California can’t clean up its cars?”
Paul Cort, Director of Right to Zero, Earthjustice: “To meet basic standards for healthy air, California has to shift to zero-emissions trucks and trains in the coming years. Diesel is one of the most dangerous kinds of air pollution for human health, and California’s diesel problem is big enough to cast its own shadow. We’ll…
Report finds capping emissions can fund billions in investments for local communities, help 46% of New York households upgrade to clean heat pumps by 2035, delivering up to $524 million in annual energy savings across the state