Too Wild To Drill: Journey to the Arctic Refuge in Virtual Reality

Too Wild To Drill: Journey to the Arctic Refuge in Virtual Reality

Journey to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in virtual reality. With a 360° film experience, we bring you to the threatened coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge, an Arctic Gwich’in village, and the epicenter of oil and gas drilling in America’s Arctic.

You control the camera view.

  • On desktop or laptop: As the video plays, use your mouse to click-and-drag on the video to pan around 360°. Best viewed in full screen. Please turn on sound to hear the narration. For the most immersive viewing experience, use a VR headset!
  • On mobile device: You control the camera view. For a 360° mobile experience, open the video in the Youtube app by tapping on the text title of the video below. Then, set the video to full screen. As you move your phone, the video will move 360°.Please turn on sound to hear the narration. For the most immersive viewing experience, use a VR headset!

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a cherished landscape owned by all Americans.

Yet after decades of protection, the Trump administration is barreling forward with plans to open this irreplaceable wilderness to the fossil fuel industry for oil and gas drilling. These plans have been met with widespread opposition, including from indigenous Gwich’in people who rely on the caribou that migrate to the Refuge and consider the area targeted for drilling to be sacred.

Earthjustice’s Alaska-based attorneys are working with a broad coalition of partners to oppose this latest reckless attempt to hand over the publicly owned wilderness of the Arctic Refuge to the oil and gas industry. On Aug. 24, 2020, we brought the administration into court, challenging its unlawful decision to allow oil and gas leasing in the Refuge.