Mindful Vineyards

Mindful Vineyards

Amelia Morán Ceja and her family own and run Ceja Vineyards, an ultra-premium Latino-owned winery in Napa, California. She came to the United States from Mexico as a 12-year-old grape picker. Today, her winery has garnered some of wine industry’s most prestigious awards. Ceja is also among those working to fix what has gone wrong with industrial agriculture and to return to farming that respects the land and the people who work it.

Ceja and her family’s approach to running the business is to respect their workers, from farmhands to managers. Because the Cejas provide a pesticide-free work environment, pay good wages and treat workers to fiestas and family gatherings, most of the field workers at Ceja Vineyards have been with the company for many years—a rarity in farm work.

Read more about Ceja’s story and about Earthjustice’s ongoing work for healthy, safe, and fair food system will protect us all and safeguard the health and economic needs of farmworkers, farmers, communities and consumers.