Trading Fossils For Fossil Fuels

Trading Fossils For Fossil Fuels

An April 2017 executive order from the Trump administration directing that 27 national monuments be considered for the chopping block has set in motion a review by the Department of the Interior. The executive order threatens not only some of our nation’s youngest monuments, but also the public lands law that safeguards all national monuments, present and future: the Antiquities Act of 1906. Undermining monument designations and protections would establish a dangerous precedent. Grand Staircase-Escalante is one of the 27 national monuments under review and is particularly at risk.

Earthjustice stands with you to defend the Antiquities Act and national monuments protected under the law. Since our founding more than 40 years ago, Earthjustice has successfully fought courtroom battles to save the best of our public lands from unchecked development and extractive industry.

See photos of Grand Staircase-Escalante and other national monuments at risk.