Your Children's Non-Toxic Future—Coming Soon?

Fans of the precautionary principle, read on

This page was published 15 years ago. Find the latest on Earthjustice’s work.

Imagine a day when expectant parents can paint their nurseries, stock them with playthings and baby supplies, and do it all with the security of knowing that each and every chemical in those products has been tested for health effects and found safe for their newborn.

Last night, the Obama administration got us one step closer to that shimmery non-toxic future.

At a speech in San Francisco, Environmental Protection Agency administrator Lisa Jackson said what none of her predecessors dared say before: our current system of regulating toxic chemicals—which doesn’t even allow the government to restrict the use of asbestos—is badly broken.

They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. That happened last night, when EPA joined environmental advocates, health professionals, the states, and even the chemical industry in calling for a change.

Take a look at the full set of principles Jackson outlined. There’s some good stuff in there. Fans of the precautionary principle will be pleased.

Now all eyes are on Congress. Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) has carried the torch on this issue and said last night he was preparing to introduce a chemical reform bill.

He’s got allies on the issue like Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL), and Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA). But they’ll need our help convincing the rest of their colleagues to make it happen.

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From 2007–2018, Kathleen partnered with clean energy coalitions and grassroots organizations, empowered communities to fight against fracking, and worked with the Policy & Legislation team to have their messages heard by legislators.