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Grizzly bear in Grand Teton National Park. (Jackie Skaggs / National Park Service)
Press Release September 10, 2024

Idaho, Montana & National Groups Put Feds on Notice on Bitterroot Road Building

Earthjustice will go to court to protect critical connective ecosystem for grizzly bears

A young gray wolf.
(Paul Carpenter / Getty Images)
Press Release August 28, 2024

Idaho Wolf-Trapping Brochure Misleads Public About Judge’s Binding Order

Idaho Fish and Game brochure distributed to sport shops ignores grizzly bear protections

A pair of grizzly bears in Yellowstone National Park. (Todaysfotos / Shutterstock)
Press Release: Victory March 20, 2024

Court Ruling Halts Wolf Trapping and Snaring in Idaho Grizzly Bear Habitat

Trapping and snaring will no longer be allowed during non-denning periods

Map of smog air pollution by county in 2022. (Air Quality System Data / U.S. EPA)
feature November 29, 2023

What’s the state of smog pollution where you live?

Search by county to see the level of smog pollution in the air. Smog can trigger asthma attacks and increase the risk of heart and lung diseases.

Map of soot air pollution by county in 2022. (Air Quality System Data / U.S. EPA)
feature November 29, 2023

What’s the state of soot pollution where you live?

Search by county to see the level of soot pollution in the air. Soot causes death and serious health harms.

A grizzly bear in a Montana forest. (Beth Hibschman / Getty Images)
Article August 13, 2024

How We’re Helping Grizzlies Come Back from the Brink

Grizzly bear populations are recovering after a century of human-caused decline. Here’s what to know about grizzlies and how we’re protecting this iconic species.

Roishetta Sibley Ozane (left) founded The Vessel Project of Louisiana and co-directs the Gulf South Fossil Fuel Finance Hub. Robert Thompson is an Inupiat guide who has worked to protect the Arctic Refuge from oil drilling.
feature September 3, 2024

Our Energy Future

Uplifting voices across the nation, who are leading the way to cleaner, safer energy sources.

Pygmy rabbits are found in parts of Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Colorado, California, and Oregon.  (Serhano / Getty Images)
Press Release August 15, 2024

Lawsuit Launched to Protect World’s Smallest Rabbit in Eight Western States

Government has failed to take steps to protect the pygmy rabbit

In the News: Finger Lakes Times July 29, 2024

Appeals court says Seneca lake Guardian can sue state over PFAs

Hillary Aidun, Senior Associate Attorney, Northeast Regional Office: “As the Appellate Court made clear, people who drink water from a lake have every right to challenge decisions that could pollute that lake. We look forward to showing that that DEC has to follow it own waste management regulations and ensure that PFAS are properly handled…

document March 19, 2024

Idaho Wolf Trapping Order

A summary judgment ruling in Idaho District Court will prevent the state of Idaho from authorizing wolf trapping and snaring in grizzly bear habitat during non-denning periods.

Lake Koocanusa by Libby Dam in northwest Montana. (Lisa Kyle Young / Getty Images)
Press Release May 18, 2023

Conservation Groups Go to Court Alongside Montana DEQ to Protect Montana and Idaho Waters From Canadian Coal Mine Pollution

Suit claims the Montana Board of Environmental Review attempted to illegally invalidate water quality protections for selenium in Lake Koocanusa

Press Release December 6, 2021

Lawsuit Challenges Idaho Wolf Trapping Laws That Endanger Grizzlies, Lynx

Idaho’s expanded wolf trapping likely to kill 90% of state’s gray wolf population

In the News: Post & Courier July 10, 2024

‘Forever chemical’ polluters land hefty contracts to meet electric vehicle battery demand

Eve Gartner, Director, Toxic Exposure & Health Program: “It’ll take centuries before there’s enough data to figure out how dangerous each PFAS is.”

The Cheswick Generating Station operated next door to homes in Springdale, Penn., for more than 50 years until it finally closed in 2022. (Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature July 19, 2024

We’re Still Cleaning Up the Trump Administration’s Environmental Messes

Earthjustice successfully blocked much damage, and we’ve seen progress toward repair under the Biden administration. But we will never recover some of what was lost.

In the News: The New York Times July 2, 2024

A Seismic Supreme Court Decision

Sam Sankar, Senior Vice President of Programs, Earthjustice: “Any time the Court makes it harder for the government to regulate, and easier for businesses to challenge regulations, it makes it more likely that the industry will injure the public and the planet in search of profits. It’s basic economics.”

Lead weights on the rim of a car wheel, used for balance. (Ratchat / Getty Images)
Article July 23, 2024

Lead Wheel Weights Are the Deadly Car Accessory We Don’t Need or Want

Earthjustice sued the EPA for failing to ban lead wheel weights, small metal bars that help balance tires but shed toxic lead into our air, water, and soil.

Sockeye salmon in Little Redfish Lake Creek, a tributary of the Snake River. (Neil Ever Osborne / Save Our Wild Salmon)
feature December 14, 2023

Timeline: A Long Fight to Restore Snake River Salmon

Learn about the major events, court rulings, and where we are now in this long-standing fight.

Press Release July 19, 2021

Groups File Promise to Challenge Idaho’s New Harmful Wolf Hunting Laws

New laws propose substantial risks to federally protected Lynx, Grizzly Bears