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Press Release September 12, 2005

Kensington Gold Mine Violates Clean Water Act

Mine waste disposal sets precedent for new way to pollute Alaska’s waters

Press Release: Victory November 2, 2007

Court Refuses To Re-hear Kensington Mine Decision

Clean Water Act preserved as Ninth Circuit protects lake from mine tailings

Article July 22, 2009

EPA Stalls Kensington Mine Permit

Agency favors dry land disposal method for mine tailings

document December 19, 2008

Kensington CWA Merits SCOTUS

Argument that Kensington Mine, AK waste should not be classified as fill and violates the Clean Water Act.

document March 16, 2007

Kensington Mine decision 3/16/07

Federal court says Army Corps violated Act by letting mine kill Alaska lake

document August 24, 2006

Kensington Mine Court Order

Court order of 8/24/2006 enjoining US Army Corps, US Forest Service and Coeur Alaska from further construction activities relating to the use of Lower Slate Lake as a disposal site for mine tailings

Aerial photos of Lower Slate Lake before (top photo) and after (bottom photo) the Kensington Gold Mine's dumping of mining waste.
(Top photo courtesy of Irene Alexakos; Bottom photo courtesy of Alaska DEC)
case October 19, 2005

Stopping the Kensington Mine Project

In issuing a permit for a gold mine, the Army Corps of Engineers considered the mine’s chemically processed, toxic mine waste to be “fill material” under the Clean Water Act, bypassing strict EPA limits for this type of pollution. As a result, millions of tons of mine waste will be dumped into a pristine sub-alpine…

Press Release: Victory August 24, 2006

Court Stops Destruction of Alaskan Lake by Mining Company

Allows other mining activities to proceed

Press Release January 12, 2009

Supreme Court Hears Important Clean Water Act Case Today

Will mining company be allowed to bury lake in wastes?

Press Release June 22, 2009

Supreme Court Clears Way for Mining Company to Destroy Alaskan Lake

Decision bodes ill for other American lakes, invites Administrative or Congressional fix

Press Release: Victory March 17, 2007

National Precedent in Clean Water Act Ruling

Federal court says Army Corps violated Act by letting mine kill Alaska lake

Press Release June 27, 2008

Supreme Court to Hear Clean Water Act Case

Court decision will clarify whether mining companies may bury clean lakes, rivers and streams with mine tailings

Press Release December 4, 2006

Earthjustice Challenges New Interpretation of Law in Alaska Gold Mine Case

Is toxic water allowed by Clean Water Act?

Article August 17, 2009

Corps Lets Alaska Gold Mine Start Dumping

EPA and Obama can still stop destruction of lake

Article June 23, 2009

Sacrificial Waters

High court clears way for mining company to destroy Alaskan lake

Article January 12, 2009

Earthjustice Defends Nation's Waterways at Supreme Court

Earthjustice press secretary Raviya Ismail was at today’s (Jan. 12) U.S. Supreme Court hearing on whether the Clean Water Act allows Coeur Alaska’s Kensington Mine to fill Lower Slate Lake in Alaska with mining waste – killing all aquatic life. Earthjustice attorney Tom Waldo argued to protect the lake. The high court decision, expected by…

Press Release May 14, 2008

High Court Urged to Uphold Clean Water Act From Mine Challenge

Alaskan mining company seeks permit to destroy lake with mine waste

Article September 19, 2011

Scoring Some Ink: Earthjustice in the News

Associated Press – “Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks to Second Lowest Level” Sept. 15, 2011 – Last week, scientists reported that Arctic sea ice melted to its second-lowest level since monitoring began more than 50 years ago. Earthjustice’s recent telepress conference on the issue brought together top scientists and NGOs to discuss the sea ice loss,…