If You Breathe, Read This!

When the U.S. EPA proposed to cut mercury, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric acid and other toxic air pollutants from cement kilns, we cheered. When they announced plans to hold public hearings in Los Angeles, Dallas and Washington DC to hear from the public about why clean air is important, we got to work. If…

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When the U.S. EPA proposed to cut mercury, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric acid and other toxic air pollutants from cement kilns, we cheered. When they announced plans to hold public hearings in Los Angeles, Dallas and Washington DC to hear from the public about why clean air is important, we got to work.

If you breathe, be happy. Cement kilns are some of the dirtiest air polluters in the country. In some states like Oregon, New York and California, they’re the biggest mercury polluters as well. What the EPA proposed makes cuts of up to 93% in mercury, a potent neurotoxin that can cause memory loss and neurological damage to newborns and young children. But EPA also made cuts in pollution that causes asthma and leads to smog. And the fight isn’t over yet.

The EPA needs to hear from us!

For over a decade, the cement industry has gotten a free pass to pollute, and it’s time we take aggressive steps to crack down on corporations that pollute our rivers and streams, the water we drink and the air we breathe. On June 16 in Los Angeles, June 17 in Dallas, and June 18 in Washington D.C., EPA staff will be on hand to listen to your comments on their proposal to cut toxic air pollution from cement kilns. Here is more information about the hearings.

If you can attend one of the hearings, let us know. If you can’t but still want your voice heard, write a 500-word essay about why clean air is important to you. We’ll have representatives at every hearing and we’ll read your essay to the EPA.

Jared was the head coach of Earthjustice's advocacy campaign team from 2004 to 2014.