Earthjustice Blasts Recklessly Partisan Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill

"We urge Congress to reject this partisan exercise and instead craft a bill that addresses the challenges we face."


Geoffrey Nolan,

Today, the House Appropriations Committee held a markup of its FY25 Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill. The bill contains numerous poison-pill policy riders and cuts to both the Interior Department and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), including a 20% cut in EPA’s budget, the elimination of all EPA environmental justice programs, and attacks on bedrock environmental protections. After the markup, Earthjustice Vice President of Policy and Legislation Raúl García issued the following statement:

“Under current House leadership, the appropriations process has become nothing more than a partisan exercise in futility. Instead of working on a spending bill that meets the moment and invests in our ability to combat climate change, advance environmental justice, and protect biodiversity, the most extremist voices have produced a bill that reverses the progress we’ve made.

“The consequences are real. The 20% cut to the EPA’s budget and elimination of environmental justice programs would expose more communities to toxic pollution and further entrench disparities in places already experiencing some of the worst impacts of climate change and pollution. Harmful policy riders too numerous to name would willfully resign numerous species to extinction and strip conservation protections from some of our most iconic wild spaces. When it comes up for a full floor vote, we urge Congress to reject this partisan exercise and instead craft a bill that addresses the challenges we face.”

The U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C.
The U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C (Architect of the Capitol)

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