“As soon as Trump took office, the U.S. Department of Agriculture ordered staff to archive or unpublish web pages on climate change.
“Within hours, the agency began deleting web pages that help farmers understand the weather and reduce their emissions.
“Also erased were web pages that help farmers access billions of dollars in grants and loans for conservation practices. They've made the farmers' job harder right at the beginning of planting season.
“So, Earthjustice and our partner sued the USDA. The lawsuit seeks to have web pages restored, and it tries to prevent others from being deleted.
“Since January 20th, several agencies, including the USDA, have hidden government data from the public. Over 450 government domains have gone offline, and more than 8,000 web pages have been removed.
“We're being kept in the dark about a lot.
“If you would like to support this legal work to keep public data, public, please text DONATE to 43428.”