Earthjustice Applauds the House Passage of the INVEST in America Act

A crucial step forward in the fight to deliver better sustainable and resilient infrastructure


Erin Fitzgerald,

Today, the INVEST in America Act passed the House of Representatives, a key step for a critical package that will help communities get the sustainable and resilient infrastructure they need and begin to address environmental woes the country is facing. The INVEST in America Act authorizes existing necessary funding like the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, as well as a host of new, sorely needed water infrastructure funding. It further includes electric vehicle charging and zero-emission bus grants that will protect human health, combat the climate crisis, and create good-paying jobs.

The following quotes comes from Christine Santillana, Earthjustice legislative counsel:

“Earthjustice applauds Representative Pappas, as his Clean Water Standards for PFAS Act of 2021 was added to this bipartisan infrastructure bill as an amendment and would regulate PFAS discharges into water for the first time. Representative Delgado has also worked to prioritize PFAS in this critical legislation and ensure transparency from companies using toxic PFAS, as his amendment would require industries to disclose their PFAS discharges into water treatment systems. We thank Representatives Pappas and Delgado for using the Clean Water Act to advance protections for our communities facing PFAS contamination.

“We are also pleased that the INVEST in America Act pushes the country to electrify its transportation, which would address the emissions that exacerbate the climate crisis and harm public health. We urge the Senate to push this bill over the finish line and give the country the 21st-century infrastructure it deserves.”

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Earthjustice is the premier nonprofit environmental law organization. We wield the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people's health, to preserve magnificent places and wildlife, to advance clean energy, and to combat climate change. We are here because the earth needs a good lawyer.