Costs of Coal Exports, Part I: Lorraine Ortega of Virginia

We’re making progress in ending America’s dependence on coal thanks to the work of Earthjustice and others to prevent the construction of new coal plants and hold existing coal plants to more stringent environmental standards. Now, hoping to shore up its bottom line, Big Coal is increasingly looking to ships millions of tons of U.S. coal…

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We Cause Climate Change, We Can Stop It

The good news in today’s U.N. report on global warming is that I’ll be dead before the predicted ocean rise floods my island home in San Francisco Bay. But here’s what I—and you and every other human on Earth—won’t escape, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Responsibility. It is almost 100 percent certain that…

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Tr-Ash Talk: Penn. Latinos Endure Toxic Neighbor

In northeast Pennsylvania, about an hour northwest of Allentown, lies Hazleton, a city with the dubious reputation of enacting ordinances that fueled ethnic tensions and anti-immigrant sentiment. In 2008, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) pointed to Hazelton’s policies for fostering an environment conducive to hate after Luis Ramirez, a young father…

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Big Week for Black Carbon

Black carbon is the sooty, particulate pollution that reaches deep into your lungs and causes asthma and other respiratory and heart diseases. Black carbon also plays a major role in global warming—second to only carbon dioxide. Here’s a great introduction to black carbon that may spur you to action, and even make you smile. Termed…

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Dams, Mines Threaten Indigenous Rights

A longstanding goal of Earthjustice and the Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA) has been to sound alarms at the United Nations, in national courtrooms and in international fora such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights about environmental and human rights violations associated with mines and dams. Indigenous peoples are particularly vulnerable to the…

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House Leaders Attack Administration's Climate Plan

They say denial is not just a river in Egypt. Such is true for many House leaders at a House Energy and Commerce subcommittee today on the Obama administration’s climate change agenda. EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and DOE Secretary Ernest Moniz had to endure the political grandstanding of the House’s climate deniers, most of whom…

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Friday Finds: Pushing Clean Air’s Buttons

Tired of breathing dirty air during your daily commute? Just turn on your car vent’s recirculation button, ‘advises researchers from the University of Southern California.

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California Regulators Can't Overlook This Pollution Study

A paper published last night in the Journal of Transportation Research Part D: Transport and the Environment identifies how many people are impacted by highway pollution in the United States. The paper finds that 19.3 percent of the U.S. population lives within 500 meters of a high volume road. The findings are important for public…

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