Getting Our Nation's New Climate Rules Right

A coal-fired power plant.

The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change cements the urgency for U.S. leaders to move boldly and quickly on climate change, and the most logical place to start is the nation’s fleet of power plants.

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Costs of Coal Exports, Part III: Margaret Fox of Maryland

(This is the third in a four-part series profiling communities that could be seriously impacted by increased toxic air and water pollution resulting from the federal government’s financing of the export of Appalachian coal to Asia.) This week, we meet Margaret Fox who lives near the CSX coal export and processing facility at the Port…

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What It Means To Live by a Carbon Budget

Kayford Mountain in West Virginia has been devastated by mountaintop removal mining.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, the most precise yet thanks to advances in scientific monitoring, confirms that climate change impacts are outpacing previous projections for ocean warming, the rate of glacial ice melt in the arctic, and sea level rise. But the biggest takeaway of the report is the unprecedented step it takes in setting a carbon budget.

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EPA Sued Over Outdoor Heaters Spewing Soot

Many Americans are looking to escape high heating bills and have found what seems to be the perfect solution: outdoor wood boilers. But they aren’t as innocuous as they may look.

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Costs of Coal Exports, Part II: Desiree Bullard of Maryland

(This is the second in a four-part series profiling communities that could be seriously impacted by increased toxic air and water pollution resulting from the federal government’s financing of the export of Appalachian coal to Asia.) This week we meet Desiree Bullard,  who lives in Cumberland, Maryland, along rail lines that are experiencing increased traffic…

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Earthjustice Co-Founder Phillip Berry, 1937-2013

(UPDATE: A memorial for Phillip Berry will be held at 1 p.m., Friday, Oct. 11 at Shiloh Church, 3295 School St., Oakland, CA.) The Earth has lost one of its greatest defenders, Phillip Berry, a founder of Earthjustice and former president of The Sierra Club. He died early Sunday. Berry joined the club in 1950 when…

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Family Seeks Political Asylum From Climate Change

A family of five is seeking asylum in New Zealand because, they say, climate change is making life too dangerous in their low-lying island homeland in the Kiribati islands. They are going to court later this month to argue their case as climate refugees. New Zealand has twice refused to let the family stay because…

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Govt. Shuts Down Fishing, Birding, Hunting

(Editor’s note: What does the federal government shutdown, starting today, mean to you? Tell us in the comments, and check out this news release from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.) Because of the shutdown of the federal government caused by the lapse in appropriations, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will suspend most programs…

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