What is CSAPR Anyway?

CSAPR would identify the emissions within 27 states in the U.S. that affect the ability of neighboring and downwind states to achieve cleaner air. The rule would substantially reduce the adverse air quality impacts of these emissions transported across state lines.

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Govt. Loses Letters, So Let's Write Back for Clean Water

We are sorry to hear that the Department of Interior’s Office of Surface Mining lost 18,000 Earthjustice supporter letters. Our supporters wrote these letters during the Bush administration to urge OSM not to eliminate critical stream protections, especially the “stream buffer zone rule,” from mountaintop removal mining—which it did anyway. We appreciate the Department of…

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Governor Reading From Polluter’s Script

The oil and gas industry in Colorado has a new script to disparage efforts to move towards a clean energy future. And one of their friends—Colorado’s Gov. John Hickenlooper—appears to have gotten the memo about how to belittle those trying to limit the damaging impacts of dirty energy. Take statements made two days apart by…

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Let The River Flow – Judge Grants Salmon a Chance To Live

There are few victories sweeter and more dramatic than the one just wrested by Earthjustice attorney Jan Hasselman and his tribal allies in a Fresno, California courtroom this week. They prevented a corporate grab of water needed by an entire run of chinook salmon for their spawning run up the Klamath/Trinity rivers system. The drama—and…

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More Wild Bison Return Home To Montana

One of the newborn bison calves, born at Montana's Fort Peck in the spring of 2012.

Some extra thunder rumbled into north central Montana, when wild bison finally set hooves on the ground at Fort Belknap Indian Reservation. The return was the culmination of legal efforts to restore the animals to their historic prairie habitat. Members of the Assiniboine and Gros Ventre tribes were eager to receive them.

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In The Spotlight: The Town That Beat Fracking

The town of Dryden, NY has earned a spot in the national conversation about fracking. The town’s story of fighting back against the fracking industry—and winning—was spotlighted on MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry Show this weekend. With her friends and neighbors at home cheering her on, Dryden resident Deborah Cipolla-Dennis made the trek from her quiet…

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Crisis In Court: Mega-farms Trying to Seize Salmon Water

Powerful business interests are in court trying to seize that water from the Klamath/Trinity River system, putting tens of thousands of salmon, and an entire generation of their offspring, in peril.

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Orcas Struggle For Survival Against Big Ag

Something special is swimming in Puget Sound—84 unique whales found nowhere else on earth, who might have disappeared altogether if not for Earthjustice’s work to protect them from a far-distant threat. Early this month, the government rejected a misguided proposal to strip protections from this dwindling species: Southern Resident orca whales. Visitors to the Pacific…

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Troubled Waters for Atlantic Herring

Pity the lowly herring, an essential species getting little love these days from the government agencies that are supposed to protect them.

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