50 States United, Redux

Despite the logjam in Congress, we know, disillusioned or not, that we must insist that Congress stop turning a deaf ear to us and make industry accountable.

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As Coal Exports, Its Dark Legacy Stays Home

A coal export ship.

The use of coal in the U.S. has declined over the past few years, and orders for new plants are being cancelled at an increasing rate, owing to pressure from Earthjustice and others and competition from cheaper natural gas.

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TIME Magazine Envisions a World Without Honeybees

The article by Bryan Walsh addresses a disastrous phenomenon that could tumble the basis of our food system: the widespread collapse of honeybee colonies nationwide known as “colony collapse disorder.”

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Kids Speak Up On Fracking

A group of 5th graders did a special project—on fracking. After considering both sides of the issue, and learning that the chemicals used in fracking are often secret, many of the students decided it wasn’t a good idea. Afterwards, they explained—in their own words—why they felt that way.

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As Wildlife Dies, Outrage Mounts Over Florida Slime

Right now, in the prime-time of summer fishing, surfing, and swimming season, health officials in one of the prettiest places in southeast Florida are warning people not to touch the water because it poses a dangerous health risk. A massive toxic algae outbreak along the Atlantic coast, north of Palm Beach, is turning the Indian…

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Republicans Call For Climate Change Action

The Republican Party has a number of outspoken climate change deniers; so, it was a relief to open today’s New York Times and read this headline: “A Republican Case for Climate Action.” I couldn’t read the accompanying op-ed fast enough. Written by four former EPA administrators under Republican presidents, the article immediately said this: We served…

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Should Sea Otters Repopulate Southern California?

They’re not just adorable. They are also key to the health of California’s kelp forests and the many other marine critters that depend on kelp forest habitat.

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Court Cites Goldilocks And The Three Bears On Ozone

The fight to protect communities from the increasingly disturbing effects of ozone pollution rages on. Just last week a federal appeals court gave us a partial victory when it ruled Bush’s 2008 ozone secondary, public welfare standard did not demonstrate how it would protect forests, crops and vegetation from ozone pollution. Unfortunately they also chose…

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Sen. Boxer Specifies Changes to Weak Toxics Law

Yes, there are tons of chemicals we as Americans are exposed to on a daily basis that are dangerous and harmful to our health. Thankfully, some elected officials understand this concern. Wednesday, after she convened a hearing in the Environment and Public Works Committee, Chairman Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) said: Now that we have concluded…

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