Manatees Dying in Florida's Algae-Choked Waterways

Florida tourism promoters are always looking to get stories in the newspaper to lure northern tourists — and their vacation cash — down here. But a recent story in the New York Times wasn’t what they had in mind.

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ConocoPhillips Surrenders on Arctic Ocean Drilling

The waters off the Arctic—especially the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas—host a rich variety of marine life, such as beluga whales.

Thanks in part to pressure brought on by Earthjustice litigation, another oil giant has announced no drilling in the Arctic—underscoring the need to permanently protect the region and its inhabitants from reckless oil development.

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Sen. Lautenberg Introduces Toxic Chemical Overhaul

Americans need a law that will keep them safe from toxic chemicals—before they are allowed to enter the market. And that’s why we should be thanking Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ). Today, Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), joined by 27 other senators, introduced the “Safe Chemicals Act of 2013,” a landmark bill that seeks…

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Confirming a New Boss at EPA

Ms. McCarthy will be a vital player in the effort to protect our families and environment. It is critical that the Senate move quickly to confirm her.

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Friday Finds: Flying High on Flame Retardants

Airplanes may contain high flame retardants levels New research has found that commercial airliners contain high levels of flame retardants, a suite of chemicals that have been under fire lately due to concerns over health hazards, reports Environmental Health News. Because having a plane catch fire mid-air could be disastrous, federal regulators require that all…

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Wave Heights Will Wane From Climate Change

“Surf’s up!” These two words have sparked countless scenes of surfers worldwide frantically gathering boards, leashes and friends in excited rushes to the ocean in the hopes of catching a few big waves. However, a recent study published in the journal Nature Climate Change, “Projected changes in wave climate from a multi-model ensemble”, indicates that…

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Going to Extremes is Bad Energy Policy

Just as clean, renewable energy is lifting off and the impacts of climate disruption become ever more visible, fossil energy production is becoming dramatically more extreme. But extreme fossil energy production is exactly what we don’t need. In just the last two years, I have seen the Louisiana coast’s oil-slicked marshes after the Deepwater Horizon…

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EPA Shares Water Priorities, Action Timelines on Twitter

Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency that 55 percent of U.S. streams and rivers are in “poor” condition, according to its most recent national rivers and streams assessment.

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Renowned Scientist Quits NASA Over Climate

Dr. James Hansen has never been shy about standing up for his scientific principles. In 1988, speaking before Congress, Dr. Hansen laid out a blunt truth, “It is time to stop waffling so much and say that the evidence is pretty strong that the greenhouse effect is here.” The statement caused an eruption of controversy,…

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