Unplugged: No More Game of Hide-and-Seek for Consumers

If you are one of the millions of American consumers who shop or browse online for major appliances and would like to know the environmental impact your new purchase will have, we’ve got some good news. The Federal Trade Commission has finally updated its newly named Energy Labeling Rule to make it easier for you…

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Friday Finds: Facebook’s Climate Change Status

Climate change could flood Facebook, Google by 2050 Facebook can’t be brought down by angry fans irritated with its privacy policy and data mining tendencies, but it could be swept away by climate change- induced sea level rise, reports Climate Wire. Though much of the California coastline is at risk, Silicon Valley is especially vulnerable…

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The Poverty of Mountaintop Removal Mining

Satellite imagery of the massive Hobet mine, taken in 2013.

Associate Attorney Neil Gormley took a trip to West Virginia to visit partners and clients and to see the effects of mountaintop removal mining first-hand. As he explains, his visit prompted questions about the relationship between this destructive practice and regional poverty.

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Landmark Mercury Decision is Jackson’s Legacy

During her four-year tenure as administrator of the EPA, Lisa Jackson was a true champion for public health and environmental justice. One of her greatest legacies is the Mercury and Air Toxics Standard, a rule that will help Americans breathe a little easier since it sharply limits the amount of mercury and other toxic metals…

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Earthjustice Thankful For EPA Chief Lisa Jackson

Earthjustice is saddened by today’s announcement that Lisa Jackson is stepping down as administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. America owes Lisa Jackson a debt of gratitude for her work to protect the public’s health from polluters and their allies in Congress. For her efforts to clean up pollution and better protect the environment and…

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The Top 10 unEarthed Stories of 2012

Blog posts about Earth’s magnificent places and creatures were the most popular themes for unEarthed readers in 2012. By far the most-read post concerned Arctic drilling, followed by reports of bison being restored and wolves losing protection. Not shown in our top 10 blog posts, below, are the delightful tales of curious critters painted in…

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EPA Grants Deathly Delay Of Cement Rule

“…My son’s school would be named in a USA Today report as being in the upper 1 percent of the most toxic schools in the nation—the same school I butted heads with cement plant executives about being under the toxic plumes while children were at recess.” – Alex Allred, 50 States United Clean Air Ambassador…

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"Chasing Ice" Shows Unsettling Effects of Climate Change

Last month, a movie premiered with a graphic visual of climate change—enough to disconcert viewers across the country. Jeff Orlowski’s "Chasing Ice" depicts a photographer’s brave and relentless journey through the vast Arctic in the face of treacherous weather, technological failure and a bad leg injury. The photographer was documenting rapidly vanishing glaciers over years…

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