In Memoriam: Joan Mulhern

In Memoriam: Joan Mulhern.

Earthjustice mourns the passing of the strongest and bravest advocate for clean water and justice that we have ever known, our very own senior legislative counsel Joan Mulhern.

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Poisoning The Well

She was one of 26 mountain lions being studied by National Park Service biologists. Collared back in August along with her brother, Puma-25 had been dead for about a week before hikers found her on an October Sunday in Point Mugu State Park, located in the Santa Monica Mountains. Her death, though, didn’t come at…

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Warning To Parents About Kids' Exposure To Pesticides

The American Academy of Pediatrics is calling on the government, schools, parents and medical professionals to take concerted action to protect children from pesticides. The 60,000-member physicians organization is worried about the growing body of scientific evidence that links these toxic chemicals not only to obvious poisoning but also to subtle health problems kids can…

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Congressional 'Think Tank' Exposes Flaws of Coal Ash Bill

The Congressional Research Service, dubbed the U.S. Congress’ ‘think tank’, recently released an authoritative analysis of S.3512 and—to the dismay of the bill’s stalwart sponsors—it’s a bust. CRS, a department of the Library of Congress and nonpartisan research tool for the House and Senate, recently weighed in definitively on the Senate and House coal ash…

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Washington Post Highlights Toxic Fish in Anacostia River

We have spent more than 15 years championing the need for cleaning up the Anacostia River (as well as the Potomac River and Rock Creek). And what better reason than the fact that several District and Prince George County residents depend on the river for sustenance. This disturbing (you’ll know why in a moment) Washington…

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Victories Over Fossil Fuels Strengthen Our Resolve

Earthjustice has just won two major victories over fossil fuels that strengthen our resolve to make 2013 the year America turns from these dirtiest of energy sources and moves towards a clean energy future—the only real solution to climate change. On Friday, the Environmental Protection Agency reacted to Earthjustice legal action by adopting drastic limits…

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Lives and Lungs Protected from Deadly Pollutant

A child suffering from asthma.

Earthjustice litigation, on behalf of public health and environmental groups, spurred the Obama administration to set strong new standards for soot pollution—the first significant update since 1997. The new standards will annually prevent as many as 15,000 premature deaths and reduce health costs by $118 billion.

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Big Day For Little Fish

Atlantic menhaden.

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission has finally responded to sound science and a huge public outcry by imposing the first ever coastwide fishing cap on the catch of a little fish known as the menhaden.

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Big News In Fight Against Florida Slime

On November 30, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency agreed to set numeric pollution limits for some 100,000 miles of Florida waterways and 4,000 square miles of estuaries.

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