Groups Demand That Navy Change Sonar Testing

Environmental groups and some Indian tribes, represented by Earthjustice, have to get the U.S. Navy to change the way it trains off the West Coast to avoid harming whales, dolphins and porpoises.

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Tr-Ash Talk: The Proof is in the Water

Last week we announced our intent to sue the Environmental Protection Agency to force the release of long-awaited public health safeguards against toxic coal ash. Here is just another example of why states aren’t doing an adequate job keeping this toxic muck out of our drinking water. This Charlotte Observer article reports on elevated levels of coal…

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Big News for Our National Forests

Today, the Obama administration’s Forest Service revealed final rules for managing of our national forests. These rules typically last 15-30 years, and they serve as the blueprint for how 193 million acres of our most important watersheds are managed. Their impact is sweeping. My own memories from time spent in national forests remind me of…

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Friday Finds: All the Climate Scientists’ Men

Conspiracy theorists descend on Florida climate change plan Plans to prepare for rising sea levels and other climate change affects in south Florida are being attacked by conspiracy theorists who believe climate change is a hoax perpetuated by a group of “progressive elites” who want to raise taxes, reports the Sun Sentinel. Though the majority…

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Amazing Yosemite Time-Lapse Video

Everyone knows that Yosemite National Park is one of America’s most beautiful places. Half Dome, El Capitan, Yosemite Falls, and a host of other natural wonders make Yosemite an iconic symbol of the American West. And while many of us have hiked in Yosemite or camped in the picturesque valley, a new video reveals a…

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Monday Reads: The Fine Particulate Matter Edition

Just in time to ring in the Year of the Dragon, a few days ago, Beijing’s infamously murky air gained a long-awaited official index: real-time measurements of the city’s PM2.5 levels. PM2.5 (also known as soot) are microscopic particulate matter that contribute to the pea soup miasma of air pollution we can all do without.…

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Friday Finds: Meatless Mondays Go Mainstream

Ag industry takes beef with Americans eating less meat Americans are eating less meat, which means the U.S. obsession with double-bacon cheeseburgers and chicken-fried sandwiches may one day be a thing of the past, reports Grist. According to the USDA, beef, chicken and pork sales are all down, prompting the meat industry to accuse the…

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More Than Cranes Are Whooping Over the Keystone Pipeline XL Decision

The President made the right decision on the Keystone pipeline XL today. House Republicans forced the arbitrary deadline of February 21 and there was really only one legal way to answer. Since the State Department hasn’t finished its environmental review of the pipeline and requests for alternative routes that bypass sensitive lands and habitats are…

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