The Great Promise of Clean Air

Meet Tommy Allred. He lives in Midlothian, TX, a town of fewer than 10,000 roughly 18,000 residents that also hosts three of the nation’s most polluting cement plants. Like millions of kids across the U.S., Tommy has asthma. He developed the condition after his family moved to Midlothian, when he was two years old. First…

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Greetings From "Frackistan"

Up and down the Rockies, in Texas, across much of the northeast, and perhaps soon in your community, engaged citizens are coming together to prevent the harms of rampant gas development. Last week,  I sat with just such a group in Gunnison County, Co., a beautiful place in the mountains that is confronting rapidly expanding…

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Good News: YOUR Voice Is Being Heard

If—as an Earthjustice supporter and activist—you ever wondered whether your letters and emails to government officials had an impact, we’ve got news that should give you heart. Reporters are writing about the 22,093 messages sent by supporters like you, demanding a thorough environmental review of a proposed 39-mile natural gas pipeline that threatens prime forest…

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Polluters Saddle Up In Washington, D.C.

Perhaps inspired by the triple-digit heat afflicting Washington D.C., the House of Representatives is putting legislative flames to our important environmental and public health protections. This week, the House will consider a spending bill for the Department of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service and other federal agencies. The bill is stuffed with…

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Friday Finds: Predator vs. People

Environment loses in predator versus people standoff A new study has found that the decline of the world’s largest predators is wreaking havoc on the rest of the ecosystem, reports the Washington Post. Nature abhors a vacuum, and by killing off large sums of the world’s wolves, lions, buffalo and wildebeest, humans have inadvertently opened…

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Playing Hide-And-Seek With Energy Efficiency Information

Today, we begin with a quiz: Which of the following should online consumers have to do to be able to evaluate the operating costs of an appliance? Scroll to the very bottom of a long page of text, then visit other websites and do the same until they have enough data points to make their…

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Congress Puts Polluters in the Rider's Seat

If you’ve ever suspected that Congress thinks of corporate polluters first and the polluted public last, the debacle unfolding in Washington, D.C. this week should leave you with little doubt—and a bitter taste. Many of our elected leaders have hijacked the process by which we fund government agencies to sack the environment like Odysseus did…

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Next Time You Sneeze, Turn Off The Car

It happens to me every spring. The flowers start to bloom, and the days become warm and full of sunshine. All I want to do is be outside, sit in the grass with my dog and play my guitar, and then… Bam. My eyes start to stream, and my voice sounds like someone duct taped…

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EPA Dings Forest Service on Roadless Plan for Colorado

The Environmental Protection Agency found much room for improvement when it weighed in on the Forest’s Service environmental impact statement that analyzes a proposed rule to weaken protection for roadless lands in Colorado.  Among the EPA’s concerns: the Forest Service proposed to grant the highest level of protection to about one-seventh of Colorado’s 4 million acres…

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