Obama's Monumental No-Show

Late in his administration, Bill Clinton attempted to build a conservation legacy worthy of Teddy Roosevelt by designating more than a dozen national monuments across the West. George W. Bush tried to undo that legacy. And President Barack Obama, to his dis-credit, has allowed the Bush-adopted, monument-undercutting status quo to remain, despite being the "hope-y, change-y"…

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Unplugged: DOE Approves Codes for Residential Buildings

(Updated 7/20) This week, the Department of Energy announced new energy efficiency standards for all low-rise residential buildings (like houses, row-houses and small apartments) and commercial buildings. This means all states will need to review and make a determination about their residential building codes by July 2013.  DOE also committed to update the baseline standards…

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Historic Numbers of Americans Call for Clean Air

How many Americans does it take to clean up dirty coal-fired power plants? 639,000. A coalition of public health, environmental and social justice groups delivered that number of public comments to the Environmental Protection Agency today at an event in Boston. This is a historic amount of support for air pollution standards that are projected…

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OMG, GMOs: Organic Seed Farmer Frank Morton

This is the third in a series of Q & A's on genetically engineered food, which harm the environment by increasing pesticide use, creating pesticide resistant superweeds and contaminating conventional and organic crops.

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Friday Finds: Schmuck Hunt

Republicans cutting enviro bills shoot themselves in the foot Republican measures to cut environmental programs that keep the nation’s air and water clean may prove foolish if they continue to ruffle the feathers of outdoorsmen, reports Politico. The angler and hunter crowd may typically swing conservative, but that could change if House Republicans continue their…

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Pictures Of What House Voted To Support

The U.S. House of Representatives was a in a cruel mood, yesterday, when it passed H.R. 2018, a bill that would prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from protecting our nation’s waterways and drinking supplies—and give that power to the states. But, don’t take my word for why this legislation is so potentially devastating. Just check…

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One Baaaaad Mother…

I love my mother with all of my heart. But if for some strange reason I had to choose another, I’d probably go with Cherise Udell. Cherise is the founder of Utah Moms for Clean Air—a group of hundreds of mothers who "use the power of moms to clean up Utah’s dirty air." I had…

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Obama Promises Veto of Toxic-and-Dirty Water Bill

Yesterday evening, July 13, the full House of Representatives passed the Toxic-and-Dirty Water Bill that I warned about a couple weeks ago — HR 2018, along with a number of amendments. The House passed this legislation 239-184, despite a vow from the White House promising a veto if the bill makes it through the Senate. This…

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Budget Hijack Is Avant-Garde Politics

A thousand political fires are burning in Washington, D.C., as members of the House of Representatives hijack the budgeting process. They aim to torch critical environmental safeguards—from endangered species protections to standards that keep our air and water clean. Their strategy? Since Congress has to pass a spending bill that funds government agencies—the EPA, Forest…

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