Smoggy California District Lobbies Congress to Weaken the Clean Air Act

Smog in the San Joaquin Valley

The head of one California air district went to Washington, D.C., to try to weaken the “impossible to meet” standards of the Clean Air Act, on the same day the California Air Resources Board presented its plan to meet those standards.

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The Scoop on Ice

Arctic wolf

The Obama administration just delivered another blow to Arctic drilling. What’s next in the fight to protect one of our nation’s most pristine ecosystems?

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Latino Leaders Unite to Demand Climate Action

Dolores Huerta and Edward James Olmos

Please join us at the Americas Latino Eco Festival! Latino advocates must come together to demand that leaders around the world take action to stop climate change.

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Keeping Coal Out of Oakland

The Port of Oakland has already rejected a similar proposal for a bulk coal export facility.

A $53 million backroom deal with a Utah consortium threatens to create the West Coast’s largest coal export terminal in Oakland, California.

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Pope Francis Calls for Climate Action

U.S. Papal Visit

The pope visited Washington, D.C., last month with a message on the importance of caring for our “common home” by reducing the impacts of climate change.

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