Celebrating National Bike to Work Day

Today is national Bike to Work Day. In honor of all of you who rode this year, here are a few of our favorite bike videos. Hopefully they will persuade you to keep on pedaling.

This page was published 13 years ago. Find the latest on Earthjustice’s work.

Today is national Bike to Work Day. In honor of all of you who rode this year, here are a few of our favorite bike videos. Hopefully they will persuade you to keep on pedaling.

The first is the wonderful story of a New York City fire fighter who bikes to work—sometimes with 60 pounds of gear on her back! This was sent to me via campaign manager Kathleen Sutcliffe.

The second is about a messenger who bikes to work and for work. Needless to say this guy takes Bike to Work Day to a whole new level.

Finally, Earthjustice is based in Oakland, not far from where East Oakland’s own Babye Champ da King started the scraper bike movement a few years ago. He and his crew use recycled materials to turn bikes into works of art. His program keeps kids off the streets of a rough neighborhood and encourages sustainability at the same time. What’s not to love?

Chris Jordan-Bloch is a photographer and filmmaker for Earthjustice. He uses videos, photos, audio and words to tell the stories of Earthjustice and the people and places we fight to protect.