Kayaktivists Say ‘Shell No!’ to Arctic Drilling

Groups all around the country took a stand (and raised a paddle) to protect the Arctic Ocean on a national day of action on July 18.

Activists who oppose Royal Dutch Shell's plans to drill for oil in the Arctic Ocean prepare their kayaks for the "Paddle in Seattle" protest in May 2015, in Seattle. These initial protests have sparked similar #ShellNo kayaktivism around the U.S.
Activists who oppose Royal Dutch Shell's plans to drill for oil in the Arctic Ocean prepare their kayaks for the "Paddle in Seattle" protest in May 2015, in Seattle. These initial protests have sparked similar #ShellNo kayaktivism around the U.S. (Daniella Beccaria/seattlepi.com)

This page was published 9 years ago. Find the latest on Earthjustice’s work.

This past weekend, groups all around the country took a stand (and raised a paddle) to protect the Arctic Ocean. July 18 was a national day of action that included rallies, speeches by a U.S. Senator and Congresswoman and groups of kayaktavists who hit the water to say “Shell No” to Arctic drilling. Here are some of our favorite moments captured on social media. (You might recognize a few familiar faces, too!)

Learn more about Shell’s saga at the Port of Seattle in our feature story The Battle for Seattle or by checking out Earthjustice’s photo essay Frozen Treasure: Defending the Arctic.

Rebekah Olstad worked in the Communications Department at Earthjustice.