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Become a monthly donor today, and your gift will be matched $1:$1 for 12 months!
We take on many of the biggest environmental and health challenges of our time and stick with them. The law makes change.
Because the earth needs a good lawyer.
Our Stories
By Bill Walker
Three utilities bolt US Chamber over "Scopes trial" idea
275,000 Americans urge administration to scrap Bush plans
GM objects to federal loan for futuristic 3-wheeler
Pipeline would bring 450K barrels of dirty Canadian crude a day
House bill would allow old, dirty coal plants to keep polluting
New standards for soda machines save CO2 equal to 2M cars a year
People don't feel a sense of urgency, says report.
Save the planet and billions of dollars with efficient appliances
Retail giant is showing leadership with its green initiatives
Homemade solar charger alters the equation
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