Motorists heading to Colorado ski resorts are being confronted with images of the state not found in tourist brochures: Pollution-spewing oil and gas rigs looming over wildlife habitat, ranchland and neighborhoods. The billboards are part of a campaign by the Colorado Environmental Coalition to tell Coloradans and out-of-state visitors that there’s a dark side to …
The coal industry, whose schemes for scores of dirty new power plants are being challenged in the courts by Earthjustice and other organizations, is also under siege by a new generation of protesters whose favored tactic is nonviolent direct action. Earlier this year, Al Gore issued a call to action—"I believe we’ve reached the stage …
Why did Obama win? According to today’s lead editorial in The New York Times, it’s because "he saw what is wrong with this country: the utter failure of government to protect its citizens." Nowhere is that more clear than in the Bush Administration’s shameful record on toxic chemicals. For the last 8 years—as government, academic …