The Latest by Jared Saylor

Campaign Director

Jared was the head coach of Earthjustice's advocacy campaign team from 2004 to 2014.

March 1, 2010

117 Million Thirsty Americans

Streams, rivers & lakes are polluted; here's what we can do to stop it.

February 19, 2010

Coal Ash Rule Coming This April?

New EPA website says rules are on the way

January 28, 2010

Coal Ash is Hazardous to Our Health

Day of Action nets 100+ groups to call, email, fax the White House

January 7, 2010

Science Mag Says MTR is Destroying Appalachia

Leading stream, health scientists agree mountaintop removal does no good

December 21, 2009

One Year Later, a Coal Ash Disaster Still Remains

Dec. 22 will be a day residents in Harriman will never forget

December 17, 2009

No Coal Ash Regulations This Year

EPA backs off coal ash plans; industry pressure a likely cause

December 3, 2009

Righting the Wrongs of the Bush Years

EPA dumps Bush-era rule that allowed unfettered hazardous waste burning

November 13, 2009

We've Got Your Saturday Night Plans Covered!

The world television premiere of "Coal Country" is at 8 p.m. eastern!

November 3, 2009

Drawing an Arbitrary Line in the Coal Ash

When is hazardous coal ash not considered hazardous?

October 2, 2009

60 Minutes Takes on Coal Ash

Tune in this Sunday, October 4th