The Latest by Jared Saylor

Campaign Director

Jared was the head coach of Earthjustice's advocacy campaign team from 2004 to 2014.

September 14, 2009

The Sad State of Our Nation's Waters

"Toxic Waters" series examines America's worsening water pollution

September 11, 2009

Mountaintop Removal Permits Headed for Further Review

EPA plans more scientific and legal scrutiny on 79 new mining permits

August 4, 2009

Navy Decision Threatens Endangered Right Whales

Warfare training facility near Florida runs through right whale territory

July 30, 2009

Coal Ash Disaster Could Have Been Avoided

They knew about the threat for 20 years, but did nothing

July 16, 2009

Coal Show Goes on Despite Threats

Only a few boos mar debut of powerful documentary on Appalachia coal

June 25, 2009

Mountaintop Removal Mining in the Senate, Part 3

Dr. Margaret Palmer is a world renowned water biologist who works at the university of Maryland, but has a home in West Virginia and family from the Appalachia region. "Headwater streams are exponentially more important than their size would suggest," said Dr. Palmer in testimony before the Senate. She compared headwater streams to the small …

June 25, 2009

More from the U.S. Senate Hearing on Mountaintop Removal

The first witness, an EPA official, was questioned extensively about the impacts both locally and globally of destroying entire forests, flattening mountains, and increasing flooding as a result of mountaintop removal mining. In the second witness panel are: Paul Sloan, Deputy Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation; Randy Huffman, Cabinet Secretary of …

June 25, 2009

Senate Kicks Off Hearing on Mountaintop Removal Mining

The hearing started promptly at 3:30 pm with Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), a cosponsor of the Appalachia Restoration Act, stating that mountaintop removal mining "adversely effects the economies of the region." Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), also a cosponsor of the Appalachia Restoration Act, offered opening remarks including, "it’s not necessary to destroy our mountaintops in …

June 17, 2009

Mountaintop Removal Goes to Washington

The saga of mountaintop removal continues, and this time it’s headed to Congress. Two proposed bills—one in the Senate and one in the House of Representatives—could curtail mountaintop removal mining by banning certain activities related to this destructive mining practice. The Appalachia Restoration Act, a bill in the U.S. Senate, would prohibit dumping “excess spoil” …

June 5, 2009

If You Breathe, Read This!

When the U.S. EPA proposed to cut mercury, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric acid and other toxic air pollutants from cement kilns, we cheered. When they announced plans to hold public hearings in Los Angeles, Dallas and Washington DC to hear from the public about why clean air is important, we got to work. If …