The Latest by Terry Winckler


From 2006–2014, Terry was managing editor for Earthjustice's blog, online monthly newsletter and print Earthjustice Quarterly Magazine.

August 12, 2009

Climate Change Bill Is On Slow Track

Although public favors bill, Senate is consumed with health care

August 3, 2009

New Wrinkle In Sunflower Coal Story: We "Own" The Loan

Government has right to force environmental review, says legal action

July 22, 2009

NY Times Demands Fix of Coal Loophole in Climate Bill

Editorial backs up Earthjustice call to defend bill against coal lobby

July 2, 2009

EPA Puts Kansas Power Plant on Hold

The federal Environmental Protection Agency has thrown a wrench into the expansion of Sunflower coal-fired power plant in Kansas. It’s the first hopeful sign out of that state since its new governor cooked up a deal allowing the expansion in May. In a letter this week, the EPA told the state and Sunflower Electric that …

June 16, 2009

Feds Release Chilling Climate Change Report

It’s as close as our own backyards, as far away as the Arctic. It’s affecting birds, boys, butterflies and bugs. Creeks are feeling it, and the oceans, too. It’s here, it’s now, and mostly it’s caused by humans. It’s global warming and we have to take immediate, powerful counter measures to prevent massive planet-wide consequences, …

June 2, 2009

Back in Court to Defend Wolves

Obama administration goes along with Bush-era policy

May 15, 2009

Part 2: 'Easy Things' for Obama to Do Now

Last November, as Barack Obama won the election, we recommended a list of "easy things" the new president could immediately do to cement his promises about being a pro-environment president. This is our second update on how he’s doing. The new president’s greatest achievement clearly is the abrupt reversal of the Bush-era philosophy favoring those …

May 5, 2009

Stunning Flip-Flop in Kansas: New Governor Chooses Coal

Spinning faster than a Kansas twister, the state’s new governor has done what he led us to believe he wouldn’t: approved massive expansion of the Sunflower coal-fired power plant. This is a totally unexpected setback for those who took Gov. Mark Parkinson at his earlier word, believing that he would support the clean-energy policies of …

April 30, 2009

Otero Ruling Could Help Save Roan Plateau

A major victory for Earthjustice and its allies, who’ve been fighting the plan in court since 2005

April 29, 2009

Showdown Starts Today Over Kansas Coal Plant

Now that Big Coal has stumbled in New Mexico, the industry is targeting Kansas in hopes of re-igniting the expansion of coal-fired power in America. Although their chances are slim, they are counting on a shift in state leadership to help them out. Yesterday, Kathleen Sebelius—who has four times vetoed power plant expansion legislation—relinquished her …