The Latest by Terry Winckler


From 2006–2014, Terry was managing editor for Earthjustice's blog, online monthly newsletter and print Earthjustice Quarterly Magazine.

November 25, 2009

Obama Will Go To Copenhagen Climate Conference

Promises U.S. limits on emissions — and so does China

November 23, 2009

Any Day Now – A U.S. Proposal For Copenhagen

The big question is, will President Obama deliver the proposal?

November 13, 2009

A Rose By Its Real Name: Tar Sands

Companies "enhance" destructive oil method with name change

November 10, 2009

Taking On The Military In Hawaii

Earthjustice attorney to tell U.N. about military’s impact

November 4, 2009

Obama May Only Have 'Show of Progress' In Copenhagen

Senate vote on climate bill unlikely before climate change conference

October 30, 2009

Low-Income Countries May Lead The Rich At Climate Conference

Wealthy, big polluters still on sidelines as Copenhagen approaches

October 27, 2009

From 'A' To 'F' – Obama Takes On Bush

How much is Obama doing to reverse Bush's toxic tide?

October 27, 2009

Obama's "Smart Grid" Could Become "Clean Grid"

President hands out grants, hints at clean energy system

October 26, 2009

Instead of Coal, Florida Turns To Solar

President tours nation's largest solar energy plant

October 21, 2009

Federal Agency Approves Shell Drilling Plan in Arctic Waters

Earthjustice will work with other agencies to prevent drilling