Challenging Unlawful Approval of Motorized Routes in Pike and San Isabel National Forests
Approximately 100 of the added routes cross semi-primitive, non-motorized areas or areas managed as winter range for big game; approximately 130 routes are in critical habitat for federally listed endangered species.
Regional Office / Program
Case Overview
Five recreation and conservation groups represented by Earthjustice moved to protect wildlife, air and water quality and opportunities for quiet recreation in Colorado by filing a legal challenge to the U.S. Forest Service’s official approval of hundreds of miles of routes for motorized vehicle use on the Pike and San Isabel National Forests. The groups’ lawsuit seeks to drive the federal agency back to reconsider its 2009 route designations that failed to consider the potential harm to forest resources that could result from motor vehicle use on some routes. These “never-analyzed” routes grew out of decades of inadequate off-road vehicle management and enforcement on the forests and disproportionately impact the forests with little benefit.
The Pike and San Isabel National Forests are Colorado treasures and together are in the top 10 most visited forests in the country. The rocky pinnacles, rolling ponderosa pine forests and high peaks are recreational havens for mountain bikers, hikers and climbers. Nineteen of Colorado’s 54 fourteeners are here, including the state’s highest, Mount Elbert, at 14,433 feet. The Forests’ abundant wildlife is a draw for sportsman and tourists. The rugged canyons and remote plateaus are also home to a number of rare species including the threatened Mexico Spotted Owl, Preble’s Meadow Jumping Mouse and the Greenback Cutthroat Trout.
Unfortunately, the Pike and San Isabel National Forests are overflowing with roads and motorized trails. The national forests are $16 million behind in maintaining the thousands of miles of official roads. The inclusion of another nearly 800 additional tracks would only exacerbate the problem and is irresponsible management. Approximately 100 of the added routes cross semi-primitive, non-motorized areas or areas managed as winter range for big game; approximately 130 routes are in critical habitat for federally listed endangered species.

Case Updates
Case page created on August 19, 2013.