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Louie Wagner Jr. casts for ooligan on the Unuk River, as his family has for generations. (Sonia Luokkala / SEITC)
Article September 18, 2024

Rampant Gold Mining in British Columbia Threatens Salmon and Indigenous Rights

Toxic gold mining along rivers crossing the British Columbia-Alaska border threatens critical ecosystems and the sovereign rights of Alaska Native communities.

 Caribou make their way across the Teshekpuk Lake area of northern Alaska. (Kiliii Yuyan for Earthjustice)
From the Experts September 16, 2024

New Protections Within Reach for Vast Areas of the Western Arctic

More than 200,000 people call on Interior to expand protections against oil and gas drilling.

document September 11, 2024

Resolutions Opposing an Izembek Land Exchange and Road

Six resolutions opposing a proposed land exchange and road in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge, adopted by the Native Village of Hooper Bay, Sea Lion Corporation, Native Village of Paimiut, Chuloonawick Native Village, Native Village of Saint Michael, and Chevak Traditional Council.

document September 11, 2024

Native Village of Hooper Bay Explainer on Izembek Land Exchange and Road

The Native Village of Hooper Bay seeks help to protect its community from irreparable harm that could result from a proposed land exchange and road in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge and Wilderness Area.

Map of D-1 lands in Alaska (The Pew Charitable Trusts)
From the Experts: Victory August 30, 2024

Protecting 28 Million Acres of Public Lands in Alaska is a Big Victory!

Earthjustice joins Alaska’s Tribes and conservation groups in applauding the Department of Interior’s decision – and the thorough study and public process that informed it.

Map of D-1 lands in Alaska (The Pew Charitable Trusts)
Press Release: Victory August 27, 2024

The Department of the Interior Finalizes Protections for 28 Million Acres of Public Lands in Alaska

Earthjustice joins Tribes in applauding the safeguarding of Alaska’s federally-managed lands critical for food security and the protection of intact ecosystems

document August 22, 2024

Chevak Traditional Council Resolution Opposing an Izembek Land Exchange and Road

The Chevak Traditional Council passed and approved a resolution on Aug. 22, 2024, opposing a proposed land exchange and road in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.

A decorated warbonnet fish sits perched in a coral in the Gulf of Alaska. (Seascape Alaska / NOAA Ocean Exploration)
Press Release August 19, 2024

Oceana Sues Federal Fishery Managers for Failure to Protect Alaska’s Seafloor Habitats

National Marine Fisheries Service did not use best available science or develop conservation alternatives to protect ocean habitats in the Gulf of Alaska as required under federal law

document August 16, 2024

Oceana Complaint: Protecting Seafloor Habitat from Bottom Trawling

Oceana argues that the National Marine Fisheries failed to meet obligations under the Magnuson Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and the National Environmental Policy Act to protect corals, sponges and other seafloor habitats from bottom trawling.

document August 9, 2024

Native Village of St. Michael Resolution Opposing an Izembek Land Exchange and Road

The Native Village of St. Michael adopted a resolution on Aug. 9, 2024 opposing a proposed land exchange and road in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge.

Aerial view of the inside passage between Alaska and British Columbia (Sonia Luokkala / Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission)
Press Release August 1, 2024

Southeast Alaska Tribes request international protection as Canada threatens world’s last wild salmon rivers

Canada’s decision effectively silences Tribes as slew of gold and copper mines upriver in British Columbia threaten ecological hotspot

document August 1, 2024

SEITC request for precautionary measures from Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

The Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission (SEITC), consisting of Alaska Tribes rooted along Canada’s transboundary rivers, requests that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights call on Canada and B.C. to adopt and implement precautionary measures to prevent irreparable harms to SEITC resulting from the impending approval and construction of the Eskay Creek Revitalization Project, a large gold and silver mine in the transboundary Unuk River in British Columbia.

 Caribou make their way across the Teshekpuk Lake area of northern Alaska. (Kiliii Yuyan for Earthjustice)
Update July 24, 2024

How You Can Help Protect the Western Arctic from Oil and Gas Drilling

The Biden administration adopted new protections for millions of acres of the Arctic in April. Now it’s time for the next step.

Offshore oil drilling rig in Cook Inlet with distant Alaska Range peaks.
(Paul Souders / Getty Images)
Article July 22, 2024

A Rare Whale Is Safe From Oil and Gas Drilling — for Now

A judge overturned the Biden administration’s reckless lease sale in Cook Inlet, citing threats to the rare beluga whale.

Press Release: Victory July 17, 2024

Corte Federal Revoca Oferta de Arrendamiento de Petróleo en Altamar que Amenazaba a las Belugas Frente a la Costa de Alaska

El fallo a favor de grupos ambientalistas resalta las preocupaciones sobre la supervivencia de las ballenas beluga

A Cook Inlet beluga calf swims with three larger beluga whales. (Paul Wade / NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center)
Press Release: Victory July 17, 2024

Federal Court Reverses Offshore Oil Lease Sale That Threatened Belugas off Alaska’s Coast

Ruling in favor of environmental groups highlights concerns about endangered whales

document July 16, 2024

Lease Sale 258 Ruling

Federal court reverses offshore oil lease sale that threatened belugas off Alaska’s coast

 Caribou make their way across the Teshekpuk Lake area of northern Alaska. (Kiliii Yuyan for Earthjustice)
Press Release July 12, 2024

Earthjustice Supports New Protections for the Arctic

Expanding Western Arctic protections will help safeguard irreplaceable Arctic ecosystems from harmful fossil fuel development