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In the News: Tampa Bay Times June 20, 2024

Across Florida, residents fear impact of higher Duke, Tampa Electric rates

Tampa Bay residents spoke before utility regulators at a rare set of public hearings. Florida residents pay some of the highest energy bills in the country.

In the News: Florida Phoenix June 13, 2024

Hillsborough County citizens call on Florida PSC to reject TECO rate increase proposal

Bradley Marshall, Attorney, Florida Office: “They’re using a completely different cost of service methodology that is driving residential bills through the roof.”

In the News: Florida Phoenix May 23, 2024

By signing bill deleting climate change from FL law, DeSantis shows he’s living in denial

Bradley Marshall, Attorney, Florida Office: “Out in the real world, citizens are dealing with devastating impacts as our climate heats up and gets more volatile. Heat is killing our reefs, our creatures, and even our citizens. State leaders should be doing all they can to protect and prepare us.”

In the News: Newsweek May 22, 2024

A Community-Led Clean Energy Revolution Is Taking Hold. Why Aren’t We Hearing About It?

An opinion piece by Laura Arroyo (Senior Attorney at Earthjustice) and Favianna Rodriguez (Founder and CEO of The Center for Cultural Power)

In the News: Law360 May 21, 2024

D.C. Circ. Won’t Let Fla. Halt Wetlands Permits Decision

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “If Florida wants the program back, it has to comply with federal law. In the meantime, the Corps is more than capable of handling Florida’s 404 permits, as it has for more than 40 years.”

In the News: Politico May 20, 2024

Appeals court denies Florida request for wetlands permitting stay

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “If [Florida officials] want the program back, they need to fix their mistakes, not dig into them.”

In the News: Tampa Bay Times May 10, 2024

Epidemic of dying sea life shows Florida’s lax water quality regulation is fouling our public waters

An opinion piece by Alisa Coe, Deputy Managing Attorney, Florida Office, Earthjustice

In the News: WLRN April 29, 2024

Oil drilling has endured in the Everglades for decades. Now, Miccosukee Tribe has a plan to stop it

Christina Reichert, Attorney, Florida Office: “This would be creating brand new fossil fuel infrastructure in a time where we need to be transitioning away from that.”

In the News: Tallahassee Democrat April 29, 2024

DEP intends to OK exploratory oil drilling in Apalachicola River floodplain

Bradley Marshall, Attorney, Florida Office: “The Apalachicola River is an outstanding Florida water and it is designated by the United Nations as an International Biosphere Reserve. It’s foolish to consider drilling for oil there, especially at a time when we know we need to be moving away from fossil fuels and towards the future, which…

In the News: Politico April 26, 2024

DEP asks federal appeals court to allow it to issue wetlands permits

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “The bottom line is that the [Army Corps of Engineers] is open for business and the only thing standing in the way of 404 permitting now is Florida’s refusal to transfer applications.”

In the News: Tampa Bay Times April 17, 2024

The obscure but powerful politicians who control Florida’s energy

Bradley Marshall, Attorney, Florida Office: “It’s not a secret that the utilities have a great deal of political power in Florida and have been able to get statutes that are beneficial to their interests and they’ve gotten favorable decisions at the Florida Public Service Commission.”

In the News: Law360 April 16, 2024

Florida Lost Its CWA Permitting Power. Now What?

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “The decision is incredibly important because it goes back to the fundamentals, which is that the Endangered Species Act means what it says. The judge was on really solid ground in his ruling. He’s relying on decades of Endangered Species Act case law.”

In the News: Florida Public Radio April 12, 2024

Judge denies Florida’s request to keep processing some wetlands permits, after program was revoked

Christina Reichert, Attorney, Florida Office: “They didn’t do what was required to make sure that there wouldn’t be any substantial harm to the many protected species that are in the state of Florida. Florida has … over 130 listed species in the state; we have immense biodiversity that needs to be protected. And a lot…

In the News: Our New South March 26, 2024

Behold the Land

A discussion on environmental justice with Dominique Burkhardt, a senior attorney at Earthjustice, and DeLesslin “Roo” George-Warren, a Special Projects Coordinator for the Catawba Cultural Preservation Project

In the News: Law360 March 22, 2024

Feds Can’t Explain Away Flawed LNG Rule, DC Circ. Told

Jordan Luebkemann, Attorney, Florida Office: “PHMSA already admitted that its 2020 rule was rushed and unsafe when it proposed suspending it in 2021, and we hope the court will act swiftly to vacate the rule for good.”

In the News: Fort Myers News-Press March 8, 2024

Wetlands permitting battle continues, state expected to appeal federal ruling

Bonnie Malloy, Attorney, Florida Office: “The trigger for (the state) to file an appeal hasn’t happened yet because the court hasn’t rendered a final judgment yet. This is something developers sought because they could get permits quicker than when they go through the (U.S. Army) Corps process, but there were several illegal shortcuts they took…

In the News: Politico February 23, 2024

Permitting ‘Chaos’: Florida DEP to seek stay of judge’s wetlands ruling

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “The judge got it right. There’s a lot of reasons this program is illegal.”

In the News: Florida Phoenix February 22, 2024

Court ruling stops Florida’s sloppy wetlands permitting, saves panthers

Tania Galloni, Managing Attorney, Florida Office: “’It’s hard’ is NOT a reason to not comply with federal law.”