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A traffic jam on East 42nd Street in Manhattan. (Alexander Spatari / Getty Images)
Article August 6, 2024

We’re Suing New York State for Blocking its Traffic Relief Law

The state’s reckless block on its congestion pricing program will worsen existing public transit issues in New York City while increasing air pollution and vehicle traffic.

In the News: Finger Lakes Times July 29, 2024

Appeals court says Seneca lake Guardian can sue state over PFAs

Hillary Aidun, Senior Associate Attorney, Northeast Regional Office: “As the Appellate Court made clear, people who drink water from a lake have every right to challenge decisions that could pollute that lake. We look forward to showing that that DEC has to follow it own waste management regulations and ensure that PFAS are properly handled…

Senior Attorney, Dror Ladin, speaks during the lawsuit filing press conference on July 25, 2024.
Press Release July 26, 2024

Three Leading Grassroots Organizations of Transit Riders, Environmental Advocates, and Environmental Justice Community Groups Sue Governor Hochul and the State of New York on Congestion Pricing Block

Groups representing hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, allege that the Unilateral decision by Governor Hochul is detrimental to public health and violates New York’s climate law and the state constitution; Depriving the transportation agency/MTA from $15.6 billion for mass improvements

document July 25, 2024

Congestion Pricing Lawsuit: Riders Alliance v. Hochul

Riders Alliance and the Sierra Club Mid-Atlantic Chapter, represented by Earthjustice, file a lawsuit against New York Governor Hochul and the State of New York, urging the court to declare the Governor’s actions unlawful, thus lifting the block on the congestion pricing program.

Cayuga Lake is used by community members for swimming, fishing, and drinking water. (Jo Zimny / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Press Release: Victory July 19, 2024

Appellate Court Determines Seneca Lake Guardian has Right to Sue NYS-DEC for Permit on PFAS-containing Liquid Discharge on Cayuga Lake

Appellate Division for the Third Judicial Department reversed dismissal on previous lawsuit, allowing group to rightfully sue for protection of the lake

E-Commerce Warehouses by Potential Environmental Justice Area in NYC, 2022. (Alok Disa / Earthjustice)
Press Release July 18, 2024

As Prime Day Draws Record Profits and Extreme Truck Traffic, Assemblymember Marcela Mitaynes and ElectrifyNY Coalition Call for Clean Deliveries

Pivotal bill provides advancements in public health and clean air, prevents corporations from clustering mega-warehouses in low-income communities of color, and advances New York’s climate mandates

document July 18, 2024

NY Supreme Court Third Judicial Department Order: Seneca Lake Guardian

A New York appellate court greenlit a challenge to a permit that would allow liquid waste containing dangerous forever chemicals to be discharged into Cayuga Lake, according to community members who use the lake for swimming, fishing, and drinking water.

Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument. (iStock)
Article: Victory July 16, 2024

Mainers Send a Message to Mining Industry: “Don’t Come for Katahdin”

State regulator rejects a mining proposal from an inexperienced company that would have threatened an area of pristine water important to local tribes.

document June 24, 2024

USFWS Termination Letter: GCEDC

United States Fish and Wildlife Service terminates Genesee County Economic Development Center wastewater pipeline permit on June 24, 2024.

Lead poisoning prevention advocates rally outside City Hall to protest a new City Council bill that shifts financial responsibility of replacing lead water service lines from the City to the property owner. (Nydia Gutiérrez / Earthjustice)
Press Release June 18, 2024

NYC Proposes Bill to Shift Cost of Lead Pipe Replacement to Property Owners

Advocates for responsible lead pipe replacement speak out against “Rotten” Bill

Press Release June 17, 2024

NYS Houses Make Some Progress on Transportation but the Legislature Leaves Much to be Desired As Session Comes to a Close

ElectrifyNY Coalition Statement: In the wake of congestion pricing stall by Governor Hochul, NY legislators desperately need to pick up slack to tackle pollution, protect communities, and safeguard workers

A Circle Line ferry sails past the Williamsburg Bridge as the Manhattan skyline is shrouded in smoke from Canada wildfires on June 6, 2023 in New York City. New York City is bathed in a blanket of unhealthy air as smoke from Canadian wildfires seeps across much of the eastern U.S. and Great Lakes areas. (NDZ/STAR MAX/IPx via AP)
Press Release June 11, 2024

Earthjustice Statement: New York State Legislative Session Ends, Falling Short on Climate, Energy Affordability, and Health

Governor blows up congestion pricing; Assembly fails to pass NY HEAT, Packaging Reduction, and more

People walk along Park Avenue and Grand Central Terminal as they are covered in a haze from Canada wildfires on June 7, 2023 in New York City. (NDZ/STAR MAX/IPx via AP)
Press Release June 7, 2024

Earthjustice Statement: Assembly Fails to Pass Most Watched Climate Policy of 2024 Session, the NY HEAT Act

Assembly allows session to close without passing the key policy before them to reduce energy bills and meet climate pollution reduction targets

Construction on a last-mile warehouse in Syosset, New York. Concentrations of last-mile warehouses have an outsized impact on air quality and noise pollution due to higher numbers of truck trips, 24/7 operating times, and other factors. (Bruce Bennett / Getty Images)
Press Release June 6, 2024

In Final Days of Legislative Session, New York Senate Heeds Call for Cleaner Air and Corporate Accountability by Passing the Clean Deliveries Act

With Congestion Pricing indefinitely stalled by Governor Hochul in New York City, the need for traffic reduction and pollution abatement statewide has never been greater

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul speaks during a briefing in New York City. (John Lamparski / Getty Images)
Press Release June 5, 2024

Another Sun Rises Without a Deal on NY HEAT – Clock is Ticking

New York State Legislative session ends June 6th and a critical climate and energy affordability bill remains unpassed by the NYS Assembly

“Esta carta de la vicealcaldesa Torres-Springer es un momento decisivo para las comunidades de justicia ambiental en los cinco condados”, dijo la concejal Alexa Avilés.(Gerardo Romo / NYC Council Media Unit)
Press Release May 22, 2024

La Ciudad de Nueva York se Compromete a Regular los Almacenes de Última Milla

La ciudad también se ha comprometido a establecer una regla de fuente indirecta para regular las emisiones causadas por los almacenes de última milla

Councilmember Avilés Speaks at Last-Mile Coalition press conference. (Gerardo Romo / NYC Council Media Unit)
Press Release: Victory May 22, 2024

City of New York Commits to Regulating Last-Mile Warehouses Amid Calls to Address Growing Industry

The City has also committed to establishing an indirect source rule to regulate the emissions caused by last-mile warehouses, when finalized NYC will be the first city to implement an ISR

In the News: The City May 22, 2024

National Grid Wants to Heat More Homes With Converted Food Waste — and Make You Pay For It

Meagan Burton, Attorney, Northeast Office: “Why are we bringing more industrial pollution into these communities?”