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Press Release May 14, 2024

Earthjustice Statement: New York Legislature Expands the Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Program

The legislation to expands participation in the food donation and food scraps recycling program

In the News: Grist April 22, 2024

California communities are fighting the last battery recycling plant in the West — and its toxic legacy

Angela Johnson Meszaros, Managing Attorney, Community Partnerships Program: “What they’ve really been denying the community is the ability to really call the question, should this facility, based on its past operation, receive a renewal of its hazardous waste permit? The community’s position is no. And I think that they have the receipts for why the…

A Circle Line ferry sails past the Williamsburg Bridge as the Manhattan skyline is shrouded in smoke from Canada wildfires on June 6, 2023 in New York City. New York City is bathed in a blanket of unhealthy air as smoke from Canadian wildfires seeps across much of the eastern U.S. and Great Lakes areas. (NDZ/STAR MAX/IPx via AP)
Press Release June 11, 2024

Earthjustice Statement: New York State Legislative Session Ends, Falling Short on Climate, Energy Affordability, and Health

Governor blows up congestion pricing; Assembly fails to pass NY HEAT, Packaging Reduction, and more

Press Release September 23, 2021

Report Sheds New Light on Ongoing Health Risks from Glass-Recycling Plant

Modeling reveals high levels of asthma-causing pollution from Owens-Brockway plant

The 2010 explosion and fire at the 'Pick Your Part' junkyard in Wilmington, CA took more than 30 hours to extinguish, releasing particulate matter, dioxins and heavy metals across neighboring communities.
(Photo courtesy of Jesse Marquez)
Article October 21, 2014

Scrapping the Recycling Industry’s Green Image

Not all recycling is as green as it may seem.

Roger Garbey and Andres Hernandez (L-R), from the Goldin Solar company, install a solar panel system on the roof of a home in Palmetto Bay, Florida. (Joe Raedle / Getty Images)
Article March 23, 2023

Creating a Sustainable Clean Energy Transition

Transitioning to 100% clean energy is a huge opportunity to power our economy and create good jobs without sacrificing our communities or the climate. Here’s how we do it.

Lilian Bello spoke against a proposed natural gas plant in Oxnard, California, that, if allowed, would join three existing gas plants on the city’s beach.
(Chris Jordan-Bloch / Earthjustice)
feature May 13, 2024

A Fossil Fuel Company Tried to Put a Dirty Gas Plant on a Beautiful Coastline. It Failed.

Earthjustice’s work in state energy proceedings like California is driving the state, and the nation’s, clean energy transition.

In the News: Grist October 5, 2021

EPA might finally regulate the plastic industry’s favorite kind of ‘recycling’

Jim Pew, Attorney, Washington, D.C., Office, Earthjustice: “It’s quite simple. If you want to burn municipal waste, meet the Clean Air Act standards for municipal waste incinerators. If you want to burn industrial waste, meet the Clean Air Act standards for industrial waste.”

document April 27, 2021

New York: Comments on Proposed Part 350 – Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Law

Food waste is a top contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. When food waste rots in landfills, it produces methane, a greenhouse gas over 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide in its global warming strength. According to New York State’s inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, in 2014, landfill emissions made up about 58% of the State’s methane emissions and about 5% of its total greenhouse gas emissions.

Lau'ipala (yellow tang fish) swim in a coral reef off the island of Lānaʻi, Hawaii. Reefs are essential to biodiversity, with 25% of all marine species found in, on, or near
them. Healthy reefs also facilitate subsistence and commercial fishing, and they protect people from storm surges and floods, absorbing up to 97% of a shorebound wave’s energy. Around a billion people benefit from reefs. (M Swiet Productions / Getty Images)
feature March 14, 2024

Ocean Biodiversity

Ocean ecosystems are essential to our world, and thankfully, we can still chart a new path forward to protect them.

document February 4, 2020

Comments on the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Proposed Part 351, “Plastic Bag Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling”

New York's legislature passed a strong law banning single-use plastic bags, however, the state's Department of Environmental Conservation proposed regulations that would allow thicker bags to be used, undermining the law. The loophole ultimately increases the lifecycle impacts from plastic bags, from the fossil fuel extraction, to harmful chemical additives, to the bags ending up on streets and oceans, or to later be burned or added to the landfills.

From the Experts June 28, 2021

To Create a Clean Energy Future, Mining Reform Must Be Front and Center

We are advocating for four solutions that together can ensure a sustainable supply chain for critical minerals.

Electric automobile, plugged into charging station. (Greg Pease / Getty Images)
Article January 17, 2024

Are Electric Vehicles Really Better for the Environment? Yes.

Electric vehicles stack up better than combustion any which way you look at it.

Press Release July 7, 2006

EPA Allows More Pollution from Large Waste Combustors, Avoids Recycling Requirement

Trash burning already accounts for over 13 tons of mercury pollution alone each year

Earthjustice attorneys and community partners look at the site plan for the Ajax asphalt plant sited in the Dort-Carpenter Industrial Park during a meeting at St. Francis Prayer Center on May 10, 2022, in Flint, Michigan. (Sylvia Jarrus for Earthjustice)
Press Release December 12, 2023

Flint Groups Welcome Federal Action Against RJ Torching

The scrapyard violated emissions limits in a community already facing many harmful sources of air pollution

Ford F-150 Lightning pickup trucks sit on the production line at the Ford Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in Dearborn, Michigan. (Bill Pugliano / Getty Images)
Press Release March 31, 2023

Earthjustice Statement on Treasury Department’s Electric Vehicle Tax Credit Guidance

“Electrifying our vehicle fleet is essential to tackling the climate crisis, as transportation contributes the most greenhouse gases to the atmosphere of any industry in the United States.”

Southeast Resource Recovery Facility (SERRF) Incinerator in Long Beach, Calif.
(East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice)
feature November 9, 2021

Vestiges of Environmental Racism: Closing California’s Last Two Municipal Waste Incinerators

California must divert its resources away from the dying technology of incinerators and towards more sustainable methods of waste management.

Press Release May 17, 2022

Earthjustice and Coalition of Organizations Send Letter to Biden Administration, Urging Strong Environmental and Human Rights Protections in Defense Production Act Implementation for Critical Minerals Sourcing

The groups urged the administration to institute strong cultural, environmental, and due diligence standards for any mechanisms involved with the sourcing of critical minerals