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In the News: Tampa Bay Times February 26, 2025

Trump administration rolls back protections for rare whales off Florida coast

Steve Mashuda, Managing Attorney, Oceans Program: “If you’re concerned about whales being harmed by offshore energy, I’ve got a whale in the Gulf of Mexico I’d like you to meet. The Deepwater Horizon spill killed close to a quarter of the population alone. The Gulf doesn’t belong to the oil industry, the Gulf belongs to…

Smoke billows from controlled oil burns near the site of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in June 2010.
(Derick E. Hingle / Bloomberg via Getty Images)
Article October 15, 2021

I Investigated the Deepwater Horizon Disaster. When Will We Learn From Our Mistakes?

As we find ourselves in the grip of another catastrophe, it’s worth reflecting on how the nation and the oil industry responded to the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

Fire boat response crews battle the blazing remnants of the offshore oil rig Deepwater Horizon.
(Photo Courtesy of U.S. Coast Guard)
From the Experts April 20, 2022

Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Anniversary Is a Grave Reminder of Why Not to Trust the Oil Industry

The only thing we can truly trust this industry to do is fight to preserve its business model and secure profits for its shareholders.

A brown pelican covered in oil sits on the Louisiana coast in June 2010. Oil from the <em>Deepwater Horizon</em> has affected wildlife throughout the Gulf of Mexico. (Charlie Riedel / AP)
Press Release April 18, 2024

Gulf and Environmental Groups React to Congressional Letter Calling on Interior Department to End Rubber Stamping of Offshore Oil Drilling Projects

Letter comes on eve of the 14th anniversary of the BP Deepwater Horizon spill

Oil leaks in the Gulf and smoke plumes over the BP Deepwater Horizon platform after it exploded on April 20, 2010.
Article July 2, 2019

Estamos Demandando Con el Fin de Prevenir El Próximo Derrame de Crudo Como el de Deepwater Horizon

Exenciones y restricciones a la Regla del Control de Pozos ponen en riesgo muchas vidas

Dark clouds of smoke and fire rise from a controlled oil fire in the Gulf of Mexico following the April 20, 2010, explosion on the Deepwater Horizon.
Article July 1, 2019

We’re Suing to Prevent the Next BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster

Waivers and rollback of Well Control Rule put lives at risk.

Lee Zeldin (Matt Rourke / AP). Russell Vought. (Tom Williams / CQ-Roll Call, Inc., via Getty Images) Chris Wright (Gage Skidmore / CC BY-SA 2.0). Doug Burgum (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images).
feature February 6, 2025

The Presidential Transition & The Environment

Learn about key nominees in the Trump administration’s second term, and the powers they will have.

A drill ship anchored in the Gulf of Mexico, off the Louisiana coast in 2021.
(Brad Zweerink / Earthjustice)
Update January 6, 2025

President Biden Permanently Protects Vulnerable Areas of the Ocean from Oil and Gas Drilling

The president used a federal law to ban future oil and gas drilling in parts of the Atlantic, Pacific, Alaska, and the Gulf of Mexico.

Loggerhead sea turtles are among the marine creatures vulnerable to seismic testing for gas and oil.
(Vladimir Wrangel / Getty Images)
Update August 20, 2024

Court Win Protects Endangered Whales and Sea Turtles From Oil Drilling

Judge strikes down federal assessment that allowed dangerous oil and gas drilling to kill imperiled wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico.

Fire boat response crews battle the blazing remnants of the offshore oil rig Deepwater Horizon.
(Photo Courtesy of U.S. Coast Guard)
Press Release May 2, 2019

Trump Administration Weakens Post-Deepwater Horizon Offshore Drilling Safety Regs

Rule repeal will remove critical safeguards to prevent another well blowout and oil spill

A Rice’s whale, one of Earth’s rarest whales. (Lisa Conger / Beth Josephson / Permit #21938 / NOAA Fisheries)
Press Release: Victory August 20, 2024

Court Orders Government to Protect Rare Gulf Whales, Sea Turtles, and Imperiled Marine Species from Damaging Effects of Offshore Drilling

Court rules that the official biological opinion is not adequate to protect species

In the News: Inside Climate News June 21, 2021

As the Gulf of Mexico Heals from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Stringent Safety Proposals Remain Elusive

Chris Eaton, Attorney, Oceans Program, Earthjustice: “It’s important to make sure that to the extent that there is oil and gas development still happening, that it’s done safely.”

A wildlife biologist holds an oil-impacted young Kemp’s Ridley sea turtle, found in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster in 2010. (Tim Donovan / FWC / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Press Release April 12, 2024

Biden Administration Approves Largest Offshore Oil Export Terminal in the U.S.

Unprecedented oil exports are clearly not in the public interest

Press Release January 19, 2023

Lawsuit Challenges Approval of Sea Port Oil Terminal

Massive Gulf coast deepwater oil export terminal violates federal law

Rice's whale, photographed in the Gulf of Mexico. Rice's whales -- also known as Gulf of Mexico whales -- are members of the baleen whale family Balaenopteridae. With likely fewer than 100 individuals remaining, Rice's whales are one of the most endangered whales in the world. (NOAA)
Update September 22, 2023

Oil Companies Are Trying to Grab an Endangered Whale’s Small Pocket of Ocean

There are about 50 Gulf of Mexico whales left in the world, and oil and gas development is the greatest danger to their survival.

A tension-leg oil production platform burns off unrecoverable gas and leaves a plume of smoke in the Gulf of Mexico.
(Land by Sea / Getty Images)
Press Release October 21, 2020

Lawsuit Challenges Inadequate Federal Review of Endangered Species in Gulf of Mexico

Agency ignores Deepwater Horizon tragedy, science in biological opinion for offshore oil and gas activities

 Sheila Tahir, the bike ride manager with the Louisiana Bucket Brigade, demonstrates how the organization collects air samples for testing during a bicycle tour in Norco, Louisiana on March 16, 2022. (Brad Zweerink / Earthjustice)
Article March 29, 2024

How Gulf of Mexico Residents Are Pushing Back on the Oil and Gas Industry

Locals aren’t letting dirty industry expand in the Gulf without a fight.

La tripulación de un bote responde a los remanentes en fuego del Deepwater Horizon
(Foto cortesía de U.S. Coast Guard)
Press Release June 11, 2019

Demanda Judicial Impugna Retrocesos de la Administración Trump en Regulaciones de Seguridad Para Perforaciones a Mar Adentro

Estos retrocesos apuntan a protecciones diseñadas para prevenir otro desastre como Deepwater Horizon