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A satellite view of part of the Adams Land and Cattle feedlot in Nebraska, which is named by Tyson Foods as one of their “Climate-Smart Beef Program supply partners”. (Google Maps / 2024 Airbus, Maxar Technologies)
Press Release September 18, 2024

Tyson Foods Sued Over Deceptive ‘Net-zero’ and ‘Climate-smart’ Beef Claims

Environmental group accuses Tyson of capitalizing on consumers’ interest in purchasing climate-friendly foods by falsely claiming it will be net-zero by 2050 and marketing its industrial beef products as “climate-smart”

A satellite view of part of the Adams Land and Cattle feedlot in Nebraska, which is named by Tyson Foods as one of their “Climate-Smart Beef Program supply partners”. (Google Maps / 2024 Airbus, Maxar Technologies)
Press Release September 18, 2024

Tyson Foods Es Demandada por Engañoso Mensaje de Productos ‘Climáticamente Inteligentes’

Un grupo ambientalista acusa a la compañía de aprovecharse del interés de los consumidores en comprar alimentos favorables al clima, ya que afirma falsamente que alcanzará medidas ‘cero neto’ para 2050 con la comercialización de sus productos de carne industrial como ‘climáticamente inteligentes’

A young gray wolf.
(Paul Carpenter / Getty Images)
Press Release August 28, 2024

Idaho Wolf-Trapping Brochure Misleads Public About Judge’s Binding Order

Idaho Fish and Game brochure distributed to sport shops ignores grizzly bear protections

Press Release September 10, 2024

Environmentalists Seek Legal Intervention to Defend Denver’s Strong Energy Codes

Codes could reduce building sector emissions that contribute to poor air quality and climate change

A reef and island off the coast of Veracruz, Mexico.
 (Cesar Morales / Getty Images)
Press Release August 13, 2024

Mexican Supreme Court Order to Protect the Veracruz Reef Still Unenforced

A port expansion project threatens the reef that hosts the greatest biodiversity of reef species in the western Gulf of Mexico

document August 22, 2024

Hualapai v. Haaland Temporary Restraining Order

A federal district court judge has granted a temporary restraining order sought by Earthjustice on behalf of the Hualapai Tribe to freeze a lithium drilling operation that is endangering their lands, including a sacred medicinal spring called Ha’Kamwe’.

document August 19, 2024

Order: Gulf of Mexico Drilling Biological Opinion

Order from the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland striking down a flawed federal agency assessment that governs how endangered and threatened marine species should be protected from Gulf of Mexico offshore oil and gas drilling.

The Puyallup River, with Mount Tahoma (Rainier) in the background. (David Seibold / CC BY-NC 2.0)
Update August 23, 2024

In a Win for Endangered Salmon, Court Orders Puyallup River Dam Removal

Electron Dam has been harming Chinook salmon, steelhead, and trout for nearly 100 years. With part of the dam gone, the river will flow naturally for the first time in almost a century.

Ha ‘Kamwe is a hot spring sacred to the Hualapai Tribe in Northern Arizona. An Australian company is threatening the spring with a proposed lithium mining project.
(Ash Ponders for Earthjustice)
Press Release: Victory August 21, 2024

Court Orders Freeze to Drilling on Hualapai Land in Northern Arizona

The Tribe is suing BLM to protect their sacred hot spring from mining

document August 21, 2024

Order: Federal Court Denies Rushed Environmental Review Request for One of Nation’s Largest Underground Coal Mine

Ruling in favor of conservationists clarifies 2023 changes to National Environmental Policy Act

A Rice’s whale, one of Earth’s rarest whales. (Lisa Conger / Beth Josephson / Permit #21938 / NOAA Fisheries)
Press Release: Victory August 20, 2024

Court Orders Government to Protect Rare Gulf Whales, Sea Turtles, and Imperiled Marine Species from Damaging Effects of Offshore Drilling

Court rules that the official biological opinion is not adequate to protect species

The Puyallup River, with Mount Tahoma (Rainier) in the background. (David Seibold / CC BY-NC 2.0)
Press Release: Victory August 19, 2024

Ninth Circuit Decision Upholds Earlier Court Ruling Ordering Partial Removal of Washington’s Electron Dam

Ruling means a free-flowing Puyallup River for fish for the first time in more than 100 years

After years of inaction by the federal government, the Environmental Protection Agency has proposed long-overdue limits on six PFAS in drinking water. (Getty Images)
feature April 19, 2024

Inside EPA’s Roadmap on Regulating PFAS Chemicals

Toxic “forever chemicals” remain laxly regulated.

document August 6, 2024

Order: FWS New Findings for Upper Missouri River DPS of Arctic Grayling

Fish and Wildlife Service is directed to make a new finding as to the status of the upper Missouri River basin distinct population segment of Arctic grayling within twelve months of this order.

The Bridge Industrial South Tacoma Warehouse Project in Tacoma, Wash. ,would create significant truck traffic, air and climate pollution, and threatens to increase flooding and temperatures in the area and jeopardize the city’s aquifer and nearby streams. (© MapTiler  © OpenStreetMap contributors)
feature October 6, 2023

What You Should Know About the Bridge Industrial South Tacoma Warehouse Project

Where the warehouse project is located, its likely impacts, and how you can get involved

document July 18, 2024

NY Supreme Court Third Judicial Department Order: Seneca Lake Guardian

A New York appellate court greenlit a challenge to a permit that would allow liquid waste containing dangerous forever chemicals to be discharged into Cayuga Lake, according to community members who use the lake for swimming, fishing, and drinking water.

Press Release July 20, 2021

Centreville Residents Sue Water Utility, City, Over Sewage and Stormwater Flooding

Residents’ homes, streets, damaged by raw sewage for decades

page August 15, 2024

Legacy Giving: Why I Give to Earthjustice

Hear from supporters like you who joined with Earthjustice to defend our wild places, our communities, and our future.