Where the Trump Administration is Going and Where We Stand

President Donald J. Trump entering the state of his inauguration as the 47th president of the United States inside the Capitol Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., Monday, January 20, 2025.
Donald J. Trump enters the Capitol Rotunda during his inauguration as the 47th president of the United States on Jan. 20, 2025. (Kenny Holston / The New York Times / POOL / AFP)
President Donald J. Trump entering the state of his inauguration as the 47th president of the United States inside the Capitol Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., Monday, January 20, 2025.
Donald J. Trump enters the Capitol Rotunda during his inauguration as the 47th president of the United States on Jan. 20, 2025. (Kenny Holston / The New York Times / POOL / AFP)

We stand for clean air, clean water, a safe and stable climate. These are common expectations, shared across the political spectrum and strengthened over time within our laws.

The Trump administration is moving to undo years of popular progress we have made. People across this country don’t want dirtier air. We all worry about more superstorms and deadly wildfires. No one wants more toxic chemicals in our drinking water. Yet that’s where the administration’s actions will take us.

When they break the law, Earthjustice will take them to court. We will defend the progress we have made and keep moving forward.

Our Perspectives on Day One Pronouncements

Our lawyers are looking over the Trump administration’s day one pronouncements. We will be periodically updating this page in the days ahead.

On the Administration’s First Day in Office

Abigail Dillen

President of Earthjustice

“While not surprising, it is no less alarming that the Trump administration wasted no time in rolling back overwhelmingly popular, life-saving policies.

“People want policies that safeguard clean air and clean water and protect them from climate-fueled extreme weather. The President’s job is to protect the people, not corporate interests. The flurry of executive orders today will increase industry profits but don’t lower costs for people or dig us out of the many crises we face as a country.

“We will keep fighting in court to ensure we all have the protections we need and deserve.”

En Español

Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images

U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during inauguration ceremonies in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol on January 20, 2025 in Washington, D.C.

Trump Administration Abandons Climate Action

In his first hours back in office, President Trump ordered a series of actions that abandon U.S. climate leadership at home and abroad. He withdrew the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, pushed to greatly expand fossil fuel production, and attacked clean energy. See where we’ve made climate progress — and how we’ll defend it. Read full analysis.

On Executive Actions Targeting Public Lands, Waters for Fossil Fuel Extraction

Executive orders issued by the Trump administration seek to rob the American people of millions of acres that belong to them so they can be auctioned off to the fossil fuel industry. Earthjustice is prepared to hold this administration accountable. Read full analysis.

William Campbell / Corbis via Getty Images

On Executive Orders Detailing a Destructive Agenda for Alaska and Its Communities

The Trump administration’s policy wish list for Alaska was delivered in an Alaska-specific executive order, as requested by Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy, and embedded in other executive orders, including one that repealed more than 78 orders issued by the Biden administration.

Carole Holley

Managing Attorney, Alaska Office

“Alaska is warming four times faster than the rest of the planet — a trend that is wreaking havoc on communities, ecosystems, fish, wildlife, and ways of life that depend on healthy lands and waters. That reality requires us to create economic opportunities that respect the lands and people of Alaska and benefit all.

“Earthjustice and its clients will not stand idly by while Trump once again forces a harmful industry-driven agenda on our state for political gain and the benefit of a wealthy few.”

Read full statement

Gary Braasch / NWF

On Immigration Executive Orders

President Trump issued numerous executive orders on immigration. The orders include the declaration of a so-called national emergency on immigration, as well as various measures to increase deportations, expand detention, and attempt to end birthright citizenship.

Abigail Dillen

President of Earthjustice

“President Trump’s executive actions on immigration will upend communities, sow fear across this country, and result in widespread civil rights violations and humanitarian harms.

“We witnessed the devastation caused during Trump’s first administration — from family separation and the detention of young children in makeshift prisons to attempts to dismantle the foundation of our asylum system.

“We stand with our partners in the immigrants’ rights movement and the communities we represent to push back against an administration emboldened to launch even more repressive and extremist attacks.”

En Español

Getty Images

Protest sign from an immigration rally. Sign reads "No Human Being is Illegal."

On an Executive Order to Rollback Environmental Justice Protections

The Trump administration signed an executive order to disband the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council.

Abigail Dillen

President of Earthjustice

“President Trump’s actions are an attack on communities across the country that are on the frontlines of deadly pollution.

“With these initiatives, he will allow more pollution in our communities. This means more cancer clusters, more asthma attacks, bigger hospital bills and ultimately, more deaths among Americans.

“Access to clean air, water, and energy should not depend on your zip code, race or income. By rolling back efforts to address historic underinvestment and overburden in communities of color and low-income communities, President Trump is putting good health and prosperity out of reach for millions of people.

“Earthjustice will keep fighting alongside communities who continue to demand justice.”

Hannah Benet for Earthjustice

Kids play soccer near the Phillips 66 refinery in Wilmington, Calif.

Joint Statement from the Climate Action Campaign

The member organizations — Center for American Progress, Earthjustice, Environmental Defense Fund, League of Conservation Voters, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, Union of Concerned Scientists, and WEACT for Environmental Justice — represent more than 15 million people across the U.S.

Climate Action Campaign

President Trump’s actions on the first day of his new administration will compromise the health and safety of communities, increase costs for Americans and leave our families more vulnerable to increasingly severe and more frequent extreme weather events.

“Our organizations and the millions of members we represent across the United States stand united in opposition to these actions.

“People across the political spectrum voted to improve their lives and their communities, to afford everyday goods and services, to have good paying jobs, and to keep their families safe and healthy.

“The energy actions President Trump has taken today will deliver none of those things for the American people, while moving our country in the wrong direction on fighting the climate crisis and its impacts that are already responsible for higher prices of groceries and energy, catastrophic storms and deadly heat waves, and health harms from fossil fuel pollution.”

En Español  |  Read full statement

On Gutting Protections Against Lead

President Trump ordered the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to block hundreds of millions in federal funding to states for lead service line replacement. In Congress, Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL) introduced a resolution to eliminate new protections against lead in drinking water.

Lead pipes poison the water of millions of people in the United States. Earthjustice has worked for years alongside our partners and clients to strengthen lead protections. We won’t back down. Read full analysis.

Paul Sancya / AP

Every one of our clients gets top-tier legal representation, free of charge. And we win. Which is why your support is so crucial. We can’t keep fighting for our planet without your help.

Where we can make progress

We plan to double down on our non-federal work. Read more about how we are making big strides on climate at the state level, in public utility commissions, and overseas.

3 Reasons to Be Hopeful About the Courts

Here’s why we remain confident that the courts are a place where we can mount an effective defense of the environment.

Oregon Energy Victory Saves Consumers Millions, Makes Climate Progress

A new ruling will lower Oregon energy users' bills and curb a utility’s deceptive practices.

Earthjustice’s International Team Sees Glimmers of Hope Around the World

Lighting a path for climate and environmental progress that will come in 2025.