Comments of Appalachian Mountain Club, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Citizens For Pennsylvania’s Future, Clean Air Council, Clean Air Task Force, Clean Air Now, Earthjustice, Environmental Defense Fund, Group Against Smog & Pollution, National Parks Conservation Association, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, Southern Environmental Law Center, Union Of Concerned Scientists on the Reconsideration of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards For Particulate Matter
Tired of breathing dirty air during your daily commute? Just turn on your car vent’s recirculation button, ‘advises researchers from the University of Southern California.
More than 100 physicians, tribal leaders, labor leaders, clergy, nurses, parents to meet with Congress on carbon pollution, smog, ash, other clean air priorities
Soot pollution from power plants, oil refineries and other industrial operations is a major killer—new national standards limiting soot pollution levels in our air could prevent up to 15,000 premature deaths every year. But the life-saving power of these standards hinges on the stringency of measures that states take to reduce soot emissions in highly…