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In the News: Alaska Public Media July 10, 2024

As a mining project moves ahead, Southeast Alaska tribes say Canada denies their human rights

Ramin Pejan, Attorney, International Program: “I think if we interpret Desautel, it’s very clear from the evidence we’ve submitted that we meet the threshold legal test for recognizing SEITC and its tribes as protected under the Canadian Constitution.”

(Sonia Luokkala / SEITC)
Press Release June 12, 2024

Alaska, Washington Tribes condemn BC’s flawed consultation policy

New and diminished engagement with U.S. Tribes violates Provincial law

(Sonia Luokkala / SEITC)
Article June 3, 2024

Spring on Alaska’s Unuk River Represents a Fight for Our Way of Life

Mining pollution threatens the sovereign rights of the Tsimshian in Southeast Alaska. Assistant Executive Director of the Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission Lee Wagner tells what that means for her community.

In the News: KRBD February 27, 2024

Alaska Tribes accuse Canada of human rights violations, request international hearing on mining

Mae Manupipatpong, Attorney, International Program: “Toxic water pollution doesn’t stop at the Canadian border. And human rights obligations don’t either.”

View of the Tulsequah River, looking east towards the confluence with Taku River.
(Photo courtesy of Chris Miller / Trout Unlimited)
Press Release February 19, 2024

Alaska Tribes facing BC mining threat ask for international hearing

SEITC briefs the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights on Canada’s violations

document February 19, 2024

SEITC Observations on the Merits of BC Mines Case

A group of Alaska Tribes with roots along Canada’s transboundary rivers, the Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission (SEITC), submitted a brief to the Inter-American Commission for Human Rights requesting a hearing on the looming threats of several risky and under-regulated gold mines in British Columbia.

In the News: KRBD February 2, 2024

Alaska Native Tribes pressure Canada for rights in Unuk River mining project

Ramin Pejan, Attorney, International Program: “The ownership of the Unuk River and the territory and the use of that river is integral to their culture, to their subsistence. It goes back thousands of years before these borders were in place.”

Unuk River is one of the transboundary watersheds of southeast Alaska. (USGS)
Press Release January 30, 2024

Alaska Native Tribes Press B.C. for Rights Amid Reckless Gold Rush

Tlingit Tribes originating along the Unuk River want a say in risky mining proposals

document January 30, 2024

Map: Sàanyàa Ḵwáan Traditional Territory in Unuk River Watershed (Jòonax̱)

Prepared for Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission (SEITC) as part of a petition submitted to Canadian environmental regulators affirming their historic presence along the Unuk River, which is threatened by rapidly expanding transboundary mining.

View of the Tulsequah River, looking east towards the confluence with Taku River.
(Photo courtesy of Chris Miller / Trout Unlimited)
case January 10, 2024

Defending Watersheds in Southeast Alaska and British Columbia from Impacts of Mining

The Taku, Stikine, and Unuk rivers flow across the Canada-United States border, from headwaters in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia through Southeast Alaska to the sea. These watersheds are some of the largest and most productive salmon habitats remaining in the world. Alaska Native and First Nations peoples have harvested salmon and caribou from…

Stikine River (Michael Penn)
Press Release September 21, 2023

Transboundary Mining in British Columbia May Violate Human Rights, Says Inter-American Commission

Petition from the Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission (SEITC) addresses Canada’s failure to regulate and prevent threats from large-scale mining operations in British Columbia

document September 18, 2023

IACHR Report on Admissibility for SEITC Petition

Decision by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) to admit a petition from Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission (SEITC), alleging that Canada’s failure to regulate and prevent threats from large-scale mining operations in British Columbia constitutes a violation of SEITC member Tribes’ internationally recognized human rights.

document July 14, 2020

SEITC B.C. Mines OAS Petition

Petition (updated in July 2020) to the Inter-American Commission On Human Rights seeking relief from violations of the rights of the members of the Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission resulting from hard-rock mining in British Columbia, Canada

The Stikine River runs through Wrangell, Alaska. Mining operations nearby threaten to poison fish in the Stikine watershed and destroy the traditions and livelihoods of Southeast Alaskan Tribes.
(Alaska Department of Fish and Game)
Article December 7, 2018

Canada As Ugly Neighbor: Mines in B.C. Would Devastate Alaskan Tribes

Southeast Alaskan Tribes have brought a human rights petition against Canada to protect the fish at the center of their cultures.

Stikine River near Wrangell, Southeast Alaska.
(Sam Beebe / CC BY 2.0)
Press Release December 5, 2018

British Columbia Mining Linked with Human Rights Violations for Alaska Tribal Nations

Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission submits human rights petition to Inter-American Commission

document September 26, 2017

Letter to Commerce Secretary Ross

Petition for certification pursuant to 22 U.S.C. § 1978 of actions undertaken by Canadian nationals diminishing the effectiveness of the Convention on Nature Protection and Wild Life Preservation in the Western Hemisphere and the Convention for the Conservation of Anadromous Stocks in the North Pacific Ocean.

On the Taku River watershed. All six mines involve large-scale infrastructure development and generate immense quantities of tailings and mine wastes.
(Photo by Chris Miller)
Press Release September 26, 2017

Alaska Native and Conservation Groups Petition Secretary of Commerce to Investigate Mines in British Columbia

Groups say threats to Pacific salmon and steelhead undermine U.S. conservation treaties

document July 11, 2016

Letter to Mining Watch Canada

From Canada's Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna on transboundary watersheds and proposed mining activities